FelyxLeiter is out there

Thank you! As a result of your complimenting my writing, I re-read what I wrote, and I have no idea why I said this happened over the course of ten years; it was actually five or six. I’ve had at least one concussion a year for the last several. Concussions and alcoholism are no joke, and the last several years of my

Also, you are so badass for mocking everyone else.

It's the tiger claw mark thing, right?

Yeeeeah...my husband bought me one for Christmas to be funny (really), but I think he kinda wants me to wear it.

Mick Foley is a hero of mine. He’s always been known for his near-insane antics, but he’s such a brilliant, kind person, and uses his fame to forward fantastic causes. Every time I hear Tori Amos, I think of Mick Foley.


“That pool looks nice.”

Thanks for typing all this, so I didn’t have to.

“What you saw was the planet Venus.”


Daaaamn. That just made my morning. Thank you!

I was thinking the same. Interest in this sort of research is actually pretty important, and people of all ages would be at least a little intrigued to follow the adventures of Boaty McBoatface.

I’ve been in a whole bunch of women’s rooms during NHL games. Good lord, you had every right to raise hell over breastfeeding in there! WTF?! It’s loud, cramped and generally out of paper towels (or howling with the mechanical hand dryers). Where can you even stand and breastfeed, other than taking a tiny stall for


I actually feel ill after reading this. What in the everloving fuck.

For real. My jaw dropped reading that line. What a fucking clueless douche of the highest degree.

There's a running fan theory in XF that Scully’s immortal. I think the writers have started working in hints to it being true, because they realized that Gillian ACTUALLY IS immortal, and they have to explain it somehow.

Oh lordy. I woke up at 2 am a few summers ago to use the bathroom (our bedroom door was closed and the AC was on), and when I walked into the hall, my cat was staring into the bathroom and chirping like a maniac. I bent down to pet him and SOMETHING BRUSHED MY EFFING EAR. I flailed my hands and hit said something, so