FelyxLeiter is out there

Back when my cystic acne was really bad, antibiotics worked WONDERS. My skin would clear, scars had time to heal and the pain would stop for a blessed month and a half. (It's crazy how many people don't realize that CA physically hurts, on top of the psychological effects.) But my dermatologist would only prescribe

For fun, I assemble wooden dinosaur skeleton kits (you know, from when you were 8), and then paint them all fancy, and add glitter and rhinestones. They come out looking really neat, and as long as the colors work, they're not tacky at all. So sometimes glitter dinosaurs can work, I swear.

I honestly almost gagged when reminded he was actually a governor at one point. What the fuck, America?

Absolutely. I'll write you this afternoon (I have my first appointment with my new therapist/counselor this morning...huzzah!).

First off, it's fantastic that you realized what's going on, and you want to get help. I JUST went through this (like, I finished my program two weeks ago), and I can relate to pretty much everything you said. Everyone's situation is obviously a little different, but here are my two cents:

Also, I'm exhausted and just re-read your post. I don't understand this sorority sea glass thing at all, obviously. Sorry. I'm mixing up posts and confused.

My cousin-in-law and her adorable girls came over our house last summer with BAGS of legit sea glass to wash off. Not raggedy and dangerous: perfectly soft corners, matte, and in so many colors. It was a little freaky how much they collected in half an hour.

This made me tear up. Hope things are way better for you now.

This really is important, and overlooked far too often. Thanks for bringing it up.

Argyle, however, rule forever.

My own sense of fashion is kind of awful, so I feel kind of bad about complaining. I look like I ought to be in Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band in old pictures, except I'm not nearly as cute as The Beatles. I can really only whine so much.

And Agent L totally wears linen shirts now, too! I love them! Like you said, credit.

Ohhhh, you just made my day. Thank you.

YES. All of this. I feel your pain. Agent Leiter refuses to wear sandals, too. And he has some killer canvas loafers, BUT HE WEARS THEM WITH BLACK SOCKS in 90-degree heat. I mean, he's a little older than the general Jez commentariat, including myself (he's early 40s), but JHC, he isn't a grandfather who just

He is WAY better in the books. Like, the character's not stuffed into the obvious male model TV prototype, and his being all noble and shit isn't so forced. I sort of hated Jon Snow when I started watching the show, and then totally fell for the written version of him.

Yo, Teresa:

Yeah, "Oh honey" with a GIF of being patted on the head was perfectly reasonable.

Totally hear you.

Soooo am I the only one who read his name as "Shame Idleman?"

Excuse me. I have to throw up. A lot.