FelyxLeiter is out there

I want to go holiday partying with you. ❤️


HA, the jammies one is hilarious! Never saw that before.

Thanks for your valuable insight.

I grew up with a hyphenated last name (Mom's came first, BTW). Mom and kids had hyphens, and my father kept his born name. Sharing half a last name with him was never an issue (most people understand he's still your spouse/parent when you share half a surname), if he doesn't want a hyphen himself.

Thank you so much. I'll check it out.

Thank you. Got out, staying with my parents. I really needed to hear what you just said so I know I'm not fucking crazy.

Okay, not trying to change the subject (haven't watched L&O of any type since Jerry died), but feel this is sort of appropriate in this context, and I need some Jezzies.

I'd be devastated if my (feline) dude went missing, and would certainly post tons of flyers and offer a reward for his safe return. However, a year of searching and $35K(?!?!) seems a bridge too far.

This is one of those tragic events where whatever random, primitive noise comes out of your throat probably expresses the emotion and gravity of this situation better than any words could.


I inhale an insane amount of hairspray and cleaning products every week just being a "normal" woman, and no one gives me any shit for it (and our family history with cancer is absolutely terrible to begin with).

Bullshit. Complete bullshit. Most victims of domestic violence aren't married to millionaires. It has nothing to do with money, and it's incredibly insulting that you'd accuse a woman who had law enforcement turn a blind eye to her ordeal of staying in the relationship for "fame and fortune." She doesn't need the

Enjoy your happy little world of stereotyping.

We were together for twelve years prior to getting married. Own a house together, went through two cats. Didn't have sex on our wedding night, and no regrets.

ALWAYS have this stuff on hand!

Being sexual (which is a pretty normal part of being a grown-up human) isn't something to be ashamed of. And for asexual people, that's totally cool too. To each her own.


Are you seriously suggesting that no one ought to speak out against this? Anyone dumb enough to suggest this as a category (and the idiots who vetted it) probably shouldn't be working on a trivia-based game show. But then again, the only one who said anything about ruining anyone's career was you.