Yeah, because it's totally a woman thing, right?
Yeah, because it's totally a woman thing, right?
What in the everloving fuck?
A conduit? (Har har har, get it? CON-do-it?)
Daniel Craig would still get a green light if he offered to lick my head and spit in my ear.
Fuck you.
Bettas are impossible to kill (and freshwater). That's just cruel. Don't lead a lady on like that.
Lit'ral LOL.
Our friends had a tropical tank (one of them cleans tanks professionally for the rich folk). It was magical to watch. NOTHING was cooler to look at while on...erm...substances than the coral and fish.
Mr. Leiter and I came within a hair of missing a domestic flight last year, even though we showed up TWO hours early (at 5 AM, small airport with lousy screening process). I still can't believe how fast we ran to catch the flight. Luckily, we were both in sneakers and sweats, because if we had bothered to dress in…
Someone recently found a black widow in her grapes from the local Whole Foods (we live in CT).
Tried to overcome my moderate arachnophobia a few years ago by learning all I could about spiders. It was a terrible idea. This particular story (also in England, also a Brazilian wandering spider) haunted me for weeks. WTF...if it can't be frozen, boiled AND microwaved to death, we might as well just give up on…
I put ketchup on EEEEVERYTHING as a kid, but never eggs.
Hey, I've got enough to last a couple of days.
Re: that quote
Three tomatoes are walking down the street...
So I guess that wasn't all. Just had to rage.
Also, I want hair as lovely as hers. OMG, to have such gorgeous hair, and to be a little girl who shouldn't have to worry about that EVER. What the hell is wrong with us??
He is going to be soooooo mad when he sees my HP tattoo.