
For me, historical accuracy only has to go as far as aesthetics. Just please have them dress in period appropriate clothes, have period appropriate weapons and hairstyles and just... try to pronounce the names right?

What I’ve seen from Tsushima has me hyped. More than that would just be spoiling the joy of discovery imo

God Emperor is probably a more difficult film to make by miles compared to Dune

The car handling in IV was perfect. It felt like you were driving an actual car with mass and weight. It was just more demanding because you actually had to slow down when taking turns, it was much more like real proper racing games in this regard.

Totally agree. I gave GTAV a good honest chance, I really wanted to like it. But as a guy who has played and beaten every single GTA game since III, I just could not bring myself to finishing it. I felt no investment in the story or characters, no wish what so ever to explore.

Maybe if what you’re looking for is a goofy show with animal puns, then BoJack is just not for you, because while it is that, its secondary, the reality of the characters’ emotional lives are the show’s focus.

This sounds like a Sion Sono movie 

The eventual Stargate reboot show will have HBO levels of nudity and violence, I’m sure

Also let’s not ignore the fact that Dr. Crusher was HOT

Bought and played both on GOG. Soldier of Fortune is a damn fine fps, 80s action hero cheese and all. Kingpin was.... okay, until the first bossfight where the difficulty just went through the roof.

You’ll be missed Gita!

Great article as always Gita! Just one thing, the original Fallout came out in 97, but it says 2007.

To be fair, its not set in OUR 1270's, that’s just the year of that fantasy world. And anachronisms abound in the books as well. As you say, its part and parcel of the franchise. As far as genetics and biology is concerned, the Witcherverse is way further along than we were in the middle ages.

This I feel is legitimate criticism. I like TLJ as a whole, but its biggest sin was completely wasting its characters, especially Poe and Finn. I was so excited to see them together for a whole movie because they had SO much chemistry in TFA.

If anything its progressive. “Yes, in 2077 even trans people can by hypersexualized models used to sell stuff to consumers” It’s exactly like today, except slightly better.

The way I understand it is that all the NPCs on the street can be chosen as the PC. Basically that you can assume control of whatever random pedestrian in the game.

I was dumbfounded how the first season of Dragon Prince ended! Literally not a single plotline (ok except for Rayla’s hand) was resolved! Season two might just as well be the second half of season one! There was no climax, it just... ended.

The definitive memory of Dragon’s Dogma for me, was when I took on an escort quest to take an NPC to the great wall in the north, an area I had not explored until then. I was completely unprepared, and underleveled. I set out at dusk (idiot) and had to take shelter in the abandoned shack close to the quarry when dark

This sold me more on the game than any review. Never could get into dark souls, but I adore tenchu

Pronouns are pronomen, here it refers to if you wanna be called a “he” or a “she” or possibly something gender neutral. Here in Sweden we’ve started using “hen” instead of “han” or “hon” when we wanna be gender neatral