
I don’t think the Explanatory Comma episode of Code Switch necessarily applies here. Expecting/demanding POC be cultural ambassadors is a fucked up power move that white people pull. This doesn’t quite rise to that level, since Swinton opened basically saying “please feel free to tell me to get fucked.”

And yet your comment is here. And out of the grays. Crazy, huh?

You do realize it’s all simulated and none of its actually representitive of the actual gameplay right?

I will never understand why people are so eager to give monetary rewards to artists and writers who already have demonstrated that they can support themselves financially. Why not give out $62,500 awards to 10 times as many people who don’t yet have firm financial footing, MacArthur?

So many times a week does everyone accidentally go to Gawker? I’m sitting at 2-4. Slowly getting better.

If you think Idiocracy is accurate you’re part of the problem.

This is an article about a radio and television network.

Despite being on the same channel, Cartoon Network and Adult Swim are different networks.

It got awesome?

These are cartoon Network characters, not adult swim characters

Parker wasn’t convicted solely because he’d had consensual sex with the victim the day before. His friend was convicted of rape and received a 6 month sentence. If it hadn’t been for the previous consensual encounter, Parker would have been convicted as well. So people can decide that someone should be held

I get what you’re saying and everything but in most of those cases you’re talking about people who led political movements. We can’t throw out what MLK did and I’m guessing the British aren’t coming back to India or the US any time soon to take things over.

Fun fact: ionizing radiation means the photons have enough energy to knock electrons off of atoms (ionization). This is necessary to make any chemical change, including biochemical. The lowest energy photon that can ionize an atom is ultraviolet light; that’s why it can cause skin cancer. Wifi is so far down the

You mean places without fully developed social safety nets and economic systems? Not sure how those are a relevant comparison.

You ever notice that “unpopular” opinions are almost always middle-of-the-road?

Your entire post history screams of you being apart of something like Gamergate or wishing you had the balls to be.

So....just to make sure I’m clear, there are real actual human beings who:

When it first started it was only on Sunday nights

Those are not regular socks, they’re athletic socks. Unless you’re under 18, “dress socks” are regular socks.