
I was ready to chime in about MD until I got to the second half of your comment. People who aren’t locals see “Northeast Corridor, realiably blue, major metropolitan area” and make a lot of assumptions about the state as a whole. Doubly true if they aren’t from the East Coast originally and don’t realize just how

I’m sure no one needs to tell you that almost immediately after the unification of Italy they started getting into the imperialism game in Africa.

It sounds like you’re approaching the show from the assumption that is in fact good, and not a flaming pile of garbage.

His latest attempt at fisting me went horribly awry.

Of course Mr. Snow Beer is from Frostburg. Of course.

A lot of people don’t read books at all anymore, so they’ve got you covered.

Being added to Netflix streaming a few years ago has done a lot to grow its following Stateside. I’m from the States but I’ve spent a fair amount of time in NS over the years so I’ve been familiar with the show for a while, and it’s honestly a bit unnerving how true to life it is for pretty much everywhere outside of

My dad is going to be so upset, at least he still has his Trailer Park Boys.

The only people more annoying than the Kardashians are their fans.

I was a bit too young to appreciate Daria during its original run, but I watched it all the way through years later and I really appreciate the care and savvy with which it was written. Its satirical elements were at times both topical and prescient. Most animated shows don't have such varied characterization and

People either love it, hate it, have never even heard of it, or vaguely remember it as part of that rotation of middling to obscure movies Comedy Central played at odd daytime hours throughout the early-to-mid-2000s. (remember Out Cold? no one else does either).

Years ago (it's amazing how long this show has been on) my high school newspaper ran an article for its April Fool's edition claiming our principle was leaving to play Peter on Broadway, the resemblance was even greater than the man here. He didn't take the joke very well and began a long and harsh excercise regimen

Happy to see a lot of these, Gilliam is a genius.

Homophobia is over! White gay men are so privileged, they live on easy street! Oh, wait.

She's British, no big deal.

As a lifelong Baltimoron who is not a die hard Ravens fan, I advise you to watch out if you're anywhere near Mobtown.

So glad Trish took the time to comment, I look forward to foreverkailyn's response soon.

I was so closeted when I was in the Scouts. Hated it.

I grew up in the age of "every child gets a medal" and it had no effect on leveling the social playing field. It was abundantly clear to everyone that I was awful at basketball, myself included. Children seem to enjoy competition and stratification by ability, whether it's pushed on them or not.

You seem lost. Stormfront is that way.