
Just remember to never swallow the dentic.

I’d be happy to have the dentics from Farscape.

Not really. And to be honest what his manager did was pretty uncool. He works for Bieber not the other way around.

I knew DJ Qualls in high school. Not really well, but we had mutual friends and he always seemed kind of quiet, but people really liked him. It’s been great seeing him chart this course in Hollywood.

There are only a few character actors who can carry their own show without the need for a traditional “handsome, charming” co-lead, but I think DJ Qualls could be one of them. With all these new networks they should be taking a few more risks with concepts and casting.

Um, what? SD cards are like 2mm thick. That’s less than .1 inches. Most tablets are not that thin. A TON of tablets already have SD card slots. The new surface has a micro SD slot IIRC, and definitely has a USB port which is substantially thicker.

That’s largely due to the steady decline in the MGM Lion benefits package. Back then, a large predator cat could count on a certain number of appearances a year, perks like on-set gazelles, and even a stable of leopard ‘fluffers’ in their dressing den. I bet that crate was emblazoned with his name, and other lions

This isn’t ricotta. This is “Farmer Cheese” or “Cottage Cheese”

This isn’t ricotta, which is a whey cheese made by re-boiling (“ri-cotta”) whey from making other cheese like mozzarella. This recipe is more like an unpressed paneer, which is fine. But it ain’t ricotta.

So this is basically homemade processed cheese food. I’m totally down with processed cheese food, I’m just kind of amused that it usually gets so much hate while these instructions are getting so much love.

And with this you have made what you internet types so widely disparage. “Cheese product” that can’t even be legally called cheese. This is basically the same process that makes American Cheese “not cheese.”

How is something that is only half cheddar still cheddar? This looks a hipster version of Velveeta. I am confused about the nacho cheese dip and macaroni recipes also.. If one wants a silky smooth cheese sauce, start with a roux, add cream or whole milk to make a white sauce, maybe some beer, then shredded cheese(s).