
Ok but back then, there were a fraction of the cars on the road compared to the millions of them that clogg up traffic and parking space these days. Our cities are not made for the obese excess that are SUVs.

...the Urban Sphere, which will be more of an SUV, paradoxically.”

The design is really nice except for some very puzzling details. The bulges on the outer edge of the hood makes the front seem really plump from most perspectives. And the horizontal tail light stripes clash with the rounded spoiler over them. But oh well, compared to the buttfugly Golf 8, it is a feast for the

Oh fuck hell no. Not even if it came with a years worth of pornstar blowjobs. Fuck SUVs, I will not be caught dead in one (by one, maybe, seeing how few asshole owners actually have full control over their gargantuan assholemobiles).

OMG that Ritmo Cabrio! I live in Europe right next to Italy and I haven’t seen a Ritmo Cabrio on the Road in decades! Hell, I don’t think I have seen a Ritmo on the road at all this or the last decade.

I don’t know and I don’t give a fuck who the fuck Stephen A. Smith is, but it sure sounds like he could start a thriving second career as a republican congressman or senator.

Driving SUVs.

I don’t care how awesome a person Erin Marquis is, if you are willing to work for Amazon, you derserve to be shamed. Fuck that worker exploiting, tax evading, generally dispicable asshole company. People always ask me how I can boycott it for 10 years now, the question is how can’t you with all the information on the

Every SUV is a fucking shit SUV. Fuck those abominations on wheels.

It is about the same size as an 8 story building. Needlessly excessive, obese and vulgar. Fuck this thing.

Well, Emily... Since you and your little one loved your last Mazda so much and they have only gotten more stylish since then, why not stick to the most obvious answer?

I am actually kind of heartbroken that we get 2 fucking shit SUVs suggested by those experts but no Mazda 3. If we as car enthusiasts don’t shine a light on Mazda, then who will?! Tom and José should be ashamed of themselves, there are already way too many of those horrible SUV monstrosities out there, no need to talk

I dont know if it is the most underrated of all, but I sure love my Mazda 2 and I think it would deserve more attention. I test drove a few others in this class and it was by far the one that grabbed me most. Great fun to zip around corners, great interior, immense bang for the buck and for such a small car, it is


Don’t look at pretty girls on the sidewalk, instead watch out for lamp posts ahead. Sigh.

Oh wow, I found somebody who still thinks he is witty by claiming the other guy is impotent... In 2021! Thats so outdated, it is almost original again, like wearing Hammer pants. I suggest you go try that, too and hammertime the fuck outta here.

Those answers calling me jealous would be so funny if it wasn’t so tragic that this is the state of the world right now. What makes you think I don’t have the money? Why should I want to own a fugly ass pointless hippo on wheels in a tracksuit? You want a fast 4 door Porsche? Great, get a Panamera or a Taycan. But to

This one time, I am very happy you holygrailed us all.

No. Just no. Every asshole driving one of those assholemobiles need to be shamed to hell and back. The only reason anybody drives one of those fucking monstrosities is because they feel cool doing so. Rob them of that. Point fingers. Laugh or boo. Make them feel uncomfortable climbing into their pointless wasteful

No. Just no.