Dude, I am pretty sure they will make the wheels golden, if you so wish. Look at that fucking price tag, they will surely be open to customization unless they want to lose all their customers immediately.
Dude, I am pretty sure they will make the wheels golden, if you so wish. Look at that fucking price tag, they will surely be open to customization unless they want to lose all their customers immediately.
Dude, thats awesome. Green Dad Porsches FTW. My old man had a frog green on brown 924 and 4 year old me cried his eyes out when it was sold cause I didnt fit in the back seat with my child seat anymore.
It looks so shite. Those wheel arches look like they come straight from the home depot tuning section. And they make an already comically plump car even more comically plump. If you ride around in one of these, you might aswell have a tiny dick compensation club tattoo on your forehead.
They could have at least made it 1$ per pound curb weight.
That would be lovely. Yet, I dont think the 6k will deter any of those morons from buying these idiotic EVlephants.
As a German, to me, the vehicles I used to think of as screaming murrica were lovely cars like muscle cars, vettes, Jeeps, Ford GTs. Nowadays, when I think of the current #magamerica, its essence on wheels is the Chevy Silverado. Fugly as fuck, disgusting, idiotic, ignorant, unnecessary, outdated and the world would…
No. Non. Nein. Go fuck all the way off with your insanely yuuuge fugly monstrosity, GM.
I cant even remember when I saw the last attractive Chevrolet or even GM vehicle but whoa damn that is bad. The detailing is a complete mess and they are so many things directly stolen from other cars that still dont gel at all, this might as well be a 90s Korean car. Worst part: That downright amateurish C-pillar…
This doesn’t have nearly enough stars. Coolest affordable EV by far.
Dare I say it? It sounds a bit too trumpet-y for my gusto. I kinda prefer the sound of the Valkyrie because it seems to have more range from menacing growling to furious screaming. The trumpet effect might be overly emphasized by the tunnel, tho.
While the rear end is very attractive for an SUV (and those design elements would look amazing on a shooting break hnnngrrrrrrr), I dont think that I will like the front end, even with the cool aero elements in the hood. The front lights on the 1 and 2 were perfection, I assume they want to be more visually…
Yeah the douchebragging levels will be much douchey, no doubt.
Góod. You should feel like a total douchedick driving one of these monstrosities around.
Each and every SUV. Space is at premium in the city. If you are driving one of those obese douchedozers, you are not only making life harder for yourself, but also for the people around you. There are parking garages here where my Mazda 2 wont fit between 2 SUVs in a row of 3 parking spots. For what? Look at this…
“six-speed paddle shift gearbox”