
A star for exposing religious hypocrisy. Love it.

How the fuck is it possible that this motherfucker has not been forced to resign yet? He jetted off to the sun while his constituents were literally freezing to death and everybody is like LOL yeah look at that asshole! *shrug* What could possible be a bigger reason to step down? Why is there no pressure on this

My Fulvia Coupe. But resotmodded to Singer levels of detailing.

Don’t they have a powertrain even bigger? I think this 6.2 is too tiny for this obnoxious skyscraper on wheels, a 7.8 or a 15.6 would pointlessly destroy the planet much quicker.

Which one would bring the most money to flip? Probably the Laffer, right?

I dunno, man. If you design a completely new platform, maybe it is not the best idea to make the car as a whole look like a minor facelift of a previous car. Which made said previous car uglier. Meh.

For me, #1 by far is 500 days of summer. Such a playful, artistic, heartfelt magic tale of love and loss. <3

I am a bit surprised by the positive comments. It looks as heavy as it probably is. Especially from the back, this thing looks downright obese to me. Not a fan.

Nah, sorry but this makes no sense from a business point of view. Not 100% of the 20% liking it are going to buy it. Poor people have poor taste too. Usually, those statistics already include a large percentage of people who are in your customer target group. And it is never a good idea to exclude 80% of all people in

Now playing

Big congrats to my boi Jimmer, now go on and shed dwell your team to victory!

For me it is two: Ayrton Senna and Anthony Bourdain. I was 13 when Senna crashed and a big Schumi fan. I cheered when Senna went off and Schumi roared by. But then, slowly, it sunk in that this God behind the wheel was hurt and when my Dad told be he died that evening, I cried like a little bitch. That was the first

EVolante (see what I did there?) is a fantastic idea. SafarEVolante (seeeeee whaaaaaat I diiiiiiiiid theeeeeeeeeere???) is an even more fantastic idea!

As a designer myself, I can’t think of anything less elegant and less creative than just scaling up the kidneys until they become naked mole rat teeth. So no elegant creators that I know would want to be seen anywhere near the heaps of fugliness that is any new BMW.

Also it is just a nice little car. I test drove two of them years ago before buying a Panda instead, only for budget reasons. The Ypsi was the much, much nicer and more comfortable place to be. Now that I have a much bigger budget, but don’t need a bigger car, I bought a Mazda 2. If there would be a Ypsi Abarth, my

I knew the front end reminded me of something...

No looping back at all here, that fugly abomination stopped dead in its tracks at Blergh station. Both the front and the rear are all kinds of plump, disjointed, ill proportioned and horrible. And here I thought the ID3 was the morbidly obese looking ID3 was gonna be the fugly one!

Shrugs. We people from Stuttgart will always refer to Mercedes-Benz as “Der Daimler”.

Here are some Porsche headlights that are actually cool, unlike that fried egg fugliness.

I am about as far removed from a Porka fanatic, as I could possibly be. Still, those egglights are just pure shite, visually. The way they break up the flow of the shape and at the same time pronounce the shutlines makes my designer brain hurt. Also the huge plastic lumps for rear lights of that generation sucked big