Anyone not mashing the NP button, immediately give back your jalop card and take up classes on how to un-adult. Yall boring ass mofos.
Anyone not mashing the NP button, immediately give back your jalop card and take up classes on how to un-adult. Yall boring ass mofos.
Exactly my Dad as well. He only recently became a bit more calm in his sixties, which coincidentially was when I bought my dream classic car and became a bit more proficient with tools myself. So now we sometimes wrench on little things on it together and even though he still says “May I please try?” in a frustrated…
Whether this is the right engine entirely depends on how it sounds. It needs to give the Pantera the soundtrack of rumbling the world to pieces. Like this:
Kinda sucks tho if you have to approach your car from the rear everytime cause its horrifying face makes you throw up violently.
Nope. Just because another guy desigs a terrifugly car doesn’t mean your own horrible design work is even a tiniest bit better all of a sudden. Fuck BangleMWs till the end of time and back.
FFS why?! He sure as fuck doesn’t since he is planning a road trip, not an offroad trip. Stop it with the fucking SUV craze, it is obnoxious beyond tolerability at this point.
Who in their right mind thinks this looks good... Or even tolerable? It looks like its own caricature, like somebody scaled it up vertically in photoshop.
What exactly makes her so special? Every one of those 51 cunt ass motherfuckers who voted to hide the truth has equally shown their willingness to terminate american democracy. Ok, her excuse is one of the dumbest I have heard yet, but otherwise I say fuck this ammoral stank ho in equal amounts as every of her 50…
Tom has the correct answer but 50k also buys you a very nice Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag... In case the misses thinks the Volvo is not sporty enough.
If he bought his wife that car, its face alone would justify divorce.
Why?! For what idiotic reason must a gargantuan pedestrianflattener of a truck, that most of its drivers won’t have under full control anyway, have supercar speed and power?!? Its whole drivetrain is made to be ecological and now we already start pointlessly wasting electric energy that takes pollution to make? Which…
I could wear the most horrible clown costume in the world, grow a second pair of balls on my forehead, be showered in elefant diarrhea and I would still look less proposterous than you riding around in your obnoxious asshole ticket on wheels.
Well, that bodykit seems kinda hard to get, tho. Also I am not sure how easy you can modify or swap out proprietary Alpine parts like the suspension, driveshafts etc. when trying to make a lifted version. There seem to be no safari’d Alpines out there yet, despite its rally heritage, so it doesnt seem like an easy…
Serves you right, driving such a fugly, pointlessly planet destroying douchemobile.
I love it. Safari... Err, Monte Carlo all the things!
Turns out, you are my spirit animal!
Yeah but the ratio of lard ass SUVs compared to hybrids and electrics are way off. I hardly ever see a Mercedes Hybrid or that godfugly EQC blob here in Stuttgart (so homeland of the Mercs), but I see several G Class Battleships every day, in addition to boatloads of their other retarded soccer mom offroaders. Those…
Ok that red Carrera A looks lovely but why in the everliving fuck should that thing be worth 1.8 Million Dollars, even when it was in immacualte condition?!
So two of you experts needlessly suggested SUVs/Crossovers while cars you can actually love die out every day due to those horrible, pointless abominations. You two are not helping.
Are we allowed to say he’s lying yet?