
At this point, how can Biden still be significant in this race? He shows every day that he is almost as unfit for office as Drumpfolini. He is an arrogant old man that shows severe signs of senility.

2009 Audi R8 is still a perfect design, I still remember the first time I saw one and the goosebumps I had.

Even though I agree aesthetically (at least for the Fezza, still kinda like the NSX), weren’t they forced to replace the fold up headlights due to regulations?

So much this. That front end derpified the most beautiful 4 door so much, it elt like an aprils fool when they introduced it.

If you include Tesla, shouldnt you include Rimac as well? Sure, their cars are unobtainable hypercars that are way out of our plebian reach, but they have actually produced a run of their first model and will soon start producing the second model, as far as I know.

At this point, does anybody really think that creepy Uncle Joe is still fit for office? I mean, he would sure be much less evil compared to Drumpfolini but he is no way the right candidate for the humongous challenges that lie ahead of humanity within this very decade.

This is the pinnacle of pointless discussions about a petty thing. Who gives a fuck if Bernie said that, he is still infinitely less sexist than 45 or Creepy Uncle Joe. You really have to wonder what CNN is doing. It is almost as if they want Drumpfolini to win so that they can have another 4 years of chaos to drive

Err, not that I would want one but why make only 20 cars of a 70th anniversary edition? I mean, there literally is a number already right there in the name...

For once, each and every recommendation makes perfect sense. I d go so far to say that David jumped right in and stole the show, but maybe thats because his joy to finally recommend a Jeep is almost palpable.

Whether you like its styling or not, you have to agree that it was something fascinating and entirely original. That whole negative space sculpturing design theme is still unique and amazingly executed on this car. I think it will go down in history as a true design classic, I think you could even call it iconic. As a

Dude nah. That fucking fugly face is still so abhorrent that nobody in their right mind would even consider buying one of these. Blergggh.

And remember: None of those assholes responsible for the deaths of more than 100 people will ever see a second of prison time for it. Have a nice day in capitalistopia!

Oh nice! My preferred adventure with these would be to kill them all with fire... Or a very large machine gun.

To be honest, I vastly prefer the much crispier Hino. That is a sweet little coupe, wish they would have made it back then so that somebody could make a stanced version with some TE037s today...

Dude, you got off the wrong side of the bed. All your criticisms of the OG Game Boy are valid, but you neglected to factor in cultural impact. Handheld gaming would have never taken off the way it did because of the brilliant simplicity of the Game Boy. It was the VW Beetle of gaming. And I still love mine to bits

And for Toyota standards, it is even somewhat attractive!

NP for the color combo alone. And I would have never in a million years thought that I would write that about a car that sports a green interior. Holy hell.

Nah dude, you fell into the wrong manhole. No to all of the above, the CR-Z is still a fugly, lame, boring POS.

It pains me to see that you wrote this article without mentioning Dark Forces even once. Still my favorite Star Wars game to date. Jedi Knight would be close second on that list... If it wasnt for the lightsaber battles, which I hated playing.

Nah dude, if I ever drive a 20s car, it will be a Lambda. Unibody FTW!