Felix Tannenbaum

for as weird as dirging in public might be, the film is AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL to look at. it was a real treat seeing it projected, and i recommend seeing it projected if you can.

everybody in denver was in various states of disrepair during the whole show, but everybody seemed to be crying during this song.

please visit denver!

you are missing out then: Read my Lips and A Prophet are super super cool.

here, they often need drawings, but they don't need to be signed by a licensed architect…

I don't know about NC, but in most states a liscensed architect isn't needed to work on a single family home.

yeah, it was freaking amazing on tv- i saw it around the same age as you, and it blew my little mind.

as a 11 year old boy, watching the extended version of Dune on TV gave me a very deeply weird and amazed feeling. I certainly didn't understand it all, but the feeling of deep mystery and adventure in an incomprehensible endless universe was, i imagine, similar to the feeling a reader might have.

Counterpoint: the movie is awesome.

the witch
the witch
is dead

loved that her sister's name was ROSEmary.

Pretty darned bat mannish.

to anyone who really loves this drawing style - check out the Spanich cartoonist MAX- this is heavily inspired by his (beautiful beautiful) work.

Star wars is all about magical creatures, some of them might sound african. Its ok.

Atlas Shrugged.

Laurie Anderson's wonderful "oh Superman" seems like the one song that seems like it was written specifically about 9-11. Oddly it was written about the Iran-contra affair some 20 years earlier… https://www.youtube.com/wat…

You guys should totally step away from the screen and re examine the path that brought you to this point.

I really think that Semyons lines are supposed to sound fucked up and fake. His character is one he made up, and hes fucking it up all the time…

Artisianal Law & Order:Criminal Intent