Felix Char
Now playing

Guys, isn’t there already a popular TV show about hobbits?

If only he had started the press conference by announcing that he was taking his talents to south beach...

When Jason Grilli asked Shin Soo Choo about the drop in the clubhouse he told him, “chOOPS”


Now playing

Its like a country bear jambaroo around here.

Props to the camera guy’s quick reflexes to get the catch in the shot.

I AM OFFENDED> How can SI sleep at night by having an award so sexist?

Make USMNT Great Again!

Maybe Lacey Noonan will write a book about this someday?

Now playing

This makes no sense but this story reminded me of this...


You do realize you just destroyed the accuracy of this poll? ...as everyone will now vote for Kansas.

not just cards fans are hutt-burt

CURIOUS: Does anyone know how much a member of paparazzi gets paid by TMZ for a 1 minute edited video of Johnny Ex-Football getting in and out of his car? How long will these videos still be in demand?

Jedi Bret Michaels. Nice.

And people say that Leicester’s title was luck and not skill...