
It doesn't seem awfully bright to sell the kind of tablet power users are going to want to buy with a locked bootloader. Oh well, I don't care. I got me a Tab 10.1 with a custom ROM so I'm set.

I don't think the climate thing is as much of an issue as people think it is in terms of having mammoths and elephants in the same environment. African elephants cope surprisingly well with cold temperatures. There are a lot of elephants living very comfortably in northern European zoos, for instance. Given the fact

Seconded. It's a bit mesmerising.

Wow...you're a misogynistic dick.

'Damn, your posts are way too tl;dr!! You sure love to hear yourself talk (metaphorically speaking).'

'I believe that the time of Diwali counts as part of the 'rest of the year' so not specifying that just around Christmas time, but that any time of the year fairy lights are a Christian device and especially in the West, (where, last time I looked the fairy light bedecked Southall is situated), pretty much indicates

'the name is diffrent in diffrent languages

'Once again, you try telling the people of Southall that suddenly, due to the fact that they've left their Diwali lights up a little too long in order to celebrate Christmas as well as Diwali, that suddenly they've changed denomination.'

If this was the time of year for Diwali and Mr Powazek lived in Wembley I'd completely agree that loading up his flickr page with Hindu symbols against his will was wrong, but given it's Christmas, and for the vast majority of the Western world fairy lights aren't associated with any other religious festival, they're

Christmas is a Christian festival. Just because it's become associated in the West with a whole bunch of secular stuff doesn't mean it's not Christian anymore. I mean the name means The Mass of Christ for gods' sake. How much more Christian can you get? Any symbol associated with Christmas is by virtue of that fact

Good for you, Mr Powazek, for publicly stating that having the traditions of a faith not your own thrust upon you makes you uncomfortable. I'm also a non-Christian, although I used to be Anglican, and I find having Christmas shoved down my throat every year an unpleasant experience. This is not because I hate fun or

Christmas lights are a Christmas tradition, not one associated with Chanukah (from the author's surname I figure that this, if any, is his preferred winter solstice festival), Kwanzaa, Modraniht, Brumalia or any other.

I do a fair bit of graphic design and while I do love my two 24" 1080p monitors I'd be extremely happy to double the resolution, if only for the purposes of improved font rendering at small sizes. In my view extra pixels don't become redundant until you can't see them when you're squinting at the screen. That's where

As an "Android" user, I am sad.

It goes for contrast, that's pretty clear to me. The ones on the right are pretty samey on the whole, and the ones on the left tend to have contrasting colour or tone. As for its judgement, it's ok... I'd say (IMHO obviously) that three or four of the photos on the left aren't great and three or four of the photos on

It might work. What's the point though? The only reason to go for a Playbook over a Kindle would be because you wanted the BB software.

DAVID Attenborough, not Richard Attenborough. Biiiig difference.

You may be right about variance regarding mathematic brilliance. A lot (if not most) of the very best mathematicians are somewhere on the autistic spectrum and autism is over four times higher in incidence among males.

You haven't actually looked at the slideshow yet.

Different business strategies. Apple makes far more money off selling one iPhone than Google makes off selling one Android phone (as in, Google makes no money whatsoever off Android devices because it's an open standard) but by locking a huge proportion of the smartphone market into its ecosystem it has an enormous