
Apple makes the vast majority of its money off iOS product sales, not Macs.

To those who are dissing the potential of haptic technology, I have two words: sighted privilege. I don't think it's occurred to many people that, as the guy in the video alluded to, blind people can't use touchscreen phones - or touchscreen anything for that matter. Haptic feedback may only benefit a small proportion

No it doesn't.

So. Much. Respect.

If/when I get married (not for at least 10 years) I'm planning on picking whichever name is coolest out of mine and my wife's. If I married Zoe Saldana, say, (standing offer btw, Zoe) there's no way I'd let her take my crappy last name - I'd totally take her's instead. One of my (female) friends has followed the same

You are aware of course that the British NHS is just over twice as effective as the US healthcare system in terms of lives saved, and UK healthcare costs are 9% of GDP as compared to 15% in the US.

This reminds me of the proposition that you have to be thankful or all the horrible things that happened before you were born. Most of us, for instance, have to be thankful for the Second World War because if it hadn't happened, circumstances would have been sufficiently different that no-one in the Western world who

Valid reason #1-100,000: apps. I had a Nokia for ages and I was pretty happy with it but when I finally made the switch to Android, the increase in versatility and functionality blew my mind. But now Nokia's picked up WP7 I'd stick with them. I'd never use it myself but it looks fantastic.

Love it.

Android/Windows 7/Canon user here. Trust me, it does. I break every single one of these rules on a regular basis. I try not to proselytise, but when someone's praising their BlackBerry/iMac/Nikon I find it really hard not to bring on the snark.

I don't hate RIM. I hate BlackBerries because I have a Nexus S that makes even the most up to date BlackBerry look like a relic from the Windows 98 era. The reason everyone's pissing on RIM isn't because we all want them to go under. I mean some people probably do but to be perfectly frank there's nothing I'd like

Could someone explain to me how this bill is legal. Surely Roe means it'll be struck down about two weeks after it passes?

Thing is though, the cost. This is always going to be a killer for Apple products. Case in point: my homebrew PC + two 24in 1920x1080 screens cost just over £1000; the equivalent specced Mac Pro + two Apple monitors would have cost £6000 and at the time it wasn't even possible to get a graphics card as good as mine in

'All women do NOT need to go out and get tested. Only those with a significant family history need get tested.'

On what grounds?

'Scuse me. If someone wants to be a high-end escort, good for them. Less of the sex-worker shaming would be nice, thank you very much.

Go die in a hole, troll.

Someone as clearly articulate and intelligent as you is an asset to the world, to everyone else who lives in it, simply by existing. If you can force yourself to ignore all the horrible little lies and nonsense that depression insidiously implants in your thinking, you can come out the other side stronger, and a