
the issue at hadn is the representation of the work ON Randy. Its his body, and the artwork for it can be reproduced on his body as part of his Image.

Finally an rpg where my choices actually matter!

ephebophilia is a staple of Japanese sexual culture.

jesus christ.

mmmmm, first nacho/vaas. now Fring/whocaresitsgiancarloesposito

thats not true. Unless they have solid evidence of andrews participation, she could give up everything but him.

everyone should always punish everyone else over the actions of 1 dude.

I think the ps2 era was the peak of this, there were alot of excellent non AAA titles from smaller companies on that system but as the cycle turned to the beast it is now alot of those companies were swallowed or went under due to not being able to produce the same quality as the major studios. Lets face it, we got

this. fuck up...after fuck up...then breath of the wild.

maybe one those second amendment people should have something to say about this...

at this point I want biden to getthe nom, and lose the general.

300 hours!!!!?

Hey. vote who whoever the fuck you want in the primaries.

I mean, what is even the point if you are literally going to make shit up to support your argument?

disappointed by the boob plate.

hopefully one of the second amendment people will have something to say about this.

this is some sick shit right here.

he was labeled a hero during an event that mattered. The U.S. was attacked by a foreign power without provocation and everyone knew the value of morale. You need to keep your military in good spirits if you want to win and a great way to keep the black soldiers/midshipman/cooks etc feeling like they weren’t just being