
That last line is the problem.

His shadow. Seriously, it’s always following him. Except at night, it hides at night. That’s why when he gets up in the middle of the night he has to switch on a lamp so he can catch it sneaking up on him, the sneaky bastard.

In Sam Jackson’s voice, this is giving me the giggles something fierce.

The Avalanche actually tried to give him more personnel power, but when they presented it to him he couldn’t really hear what they said.

Sounds like someone’s jealous they keep getting their pegging requests rejected

Dedwan knows what they call a Civil War in France.

I don’t like to claim anything as the hardest boss ever, but... Ugh.

I gutted my long broken Sega Saturn and built a dedicated console emulator pc inside. It wasn’t actually all that difficult.

Outstanding ass-kissing, soldier!

Oh, those hosers are comin’ in with the giant robuts, eh? Ya know, we’d have our own robuts too, but. ya know, we used all our metal to can our beers.

If it were a legitimate rape, Batman’s body has a way to try and shut that whole thing down.

"Sounds like the voting might be, ahem, riga'd"

An old man playing with kids? He's Michael Jackson every day.

Well not everyone follows lord of the rings.
I tried to enjoy the movie, but its just a rip off of WOW.