
if you don’t have a friend like dandelion. you need one.

wait. so they had rock, murphy and chapelle...and didn’t do a James Brown “Heaven” Hot tub sketch featuring James and Prince and Pryor hanging out in the “perfectly temperatured” heaven hot tub?

thats very racist. have a nice day, racist.

Now playing

its a different thing. you have your commanders, and each commander can have up to 8 units with them. Soldier, archer, cav (some other types exist). solider beats archer, archer beats horse, horse beats soldier.

omfg. the first game came west as the title Warsong for sega genesis and was my first introduction to the strategy RPG. to this day, one of my favourites.

no worries, working on a new pilot.

Shame, role could have gone to a mature actress.

I remember the original grid having one of the best cockpit views in any racing game ever, and then they removed the damned thing from grid 2 and that was the end of the series for me.

Muthafucking Tim Rogers with the Vandal hearts reference.

your story is suspect sir. As a local, and night auditor at a fallsview hotel i dare say no one I know calls it “the” table rock. although accurate.

game was thrown. it was clear.

thats not true, at all.

unfair fight?

takes 3:24 to walk across skyrim map... how has no one noticed how small it is?

for some reason its times like this that i genuinely miss Bernie mac

oh ok. I’m from Utica my myself and I’d never seen that gesture.

ugh..... can’t unsee raccoon eyes.

thats amazing. “fuck you, you’re getting a fucking dive”

I say good. releasing the video to the public serves zero purpose other than to humiliate the man.