
Has AV Club always been so smarmy?
I worked at a comic shop and also bartended…The writing has become a hybrid of what I used to hear from the comic guy who would talk your ear off about all his Internet insider info and the über hipster who only drank Blue Moon while asking why Bright Eyes wasn't on the juke…
That last

I don't care for her…I saw her at least three times in Chicago in about a year and a half..I think all three were at the Beat Kitchen and once she came on before TJ Miller.
All three sets had the same two stories…a bit about her apt being broken in to and the cops wondering, because of the empty frames on her walls,

Ah, I have heard of him.
I am working my way up through the Yellow Men…I am currently at Fu Manchu.

That may be the best piece of advice I have ever been given, I am serious.

I was gonna answer myself and use quite a few of your points, but I calmed down and realized I was getting worked up over Karen Carpenter's implied desire to be edgy…I don't know if I am getting old or just that the kids today think that everyone wants to be "edgy".

This is easy, but aren't most actors today pieces of plastic giving ineffective performances?

Just about any mom & pop city/college town video store I have ever been in has carried this on VHS or DVD..It can also be found for around $10 at a comic con, film festival lobby or any other place bootleg films are sold.

So DOES the AV club not care about this guys use of the word "retarded", but runs full articles on the stupidity of people insulting Native Americans by wearing tribal headdresses and unintentionally racist casting calls for a bio pic on some homophobic/racist rappers?

This was the time where books were based on art alone, stories were not much of a sales concern unless we are talking "Death of Superman" or something like that.
Seriously research him, his story is a pretty amazing one… the guy was the closest thing to a rockstar in comics…most people couldn't even tell you who wrote

Bluntly Rob got work because his books sold millions of copies ..it's like wondering why they let Timberlake make another album or Bay make another movie..whether you enjoy his work or not, the kids/speculators of the 90's sure did.
The guy from the article above would give up all his "hip hop hipster street cred"

Ok, does AV Club pick and choose who they call out for being an idiot…or does this douche get away with wearing that hat and calling something "retarded" all in one article.

If you want to hear an amazingly anti-white folk album check out "Shock of the Hour" by MC Ren…around '93 I believe.
Contains enough militant Islam talk to be party music at a Taliban shindig!!

Can you explain what "Adam West-ing yourself" is?

For all the faux crazy "artists" like Franco and Shia, Tommy is a breath of fresh air. Despite all of their fame and success I am certain there is a part of those men that wishes they were him. Not the part that has their bank accounts, or the part that allows them to get laid, but the part they have which is void of

For me #2….that would be beautiful


Uh, She's All That?? HYSTERICAL!!!

I don't know, I am not really familiar with the signs, Jake?

That may be the scariest thing I ever heard…i am kind of picturing a roaming army of gay rapist Chuds…

How much longer till I get to use a slur on you then apologize?