
Forget it Jake it's Chinatown…at least I don't have those horrible photogs following me for blocks!!! That I couldn't take…just not strong enough.

Oh, my deceased Hip Hop Thugsta, he is most certainly sorry…sorry that he said it in front of camera, sad he and his friends can't make self righteous comments about easy targets like Macklemore anymore, sorry he sees $$ floating out of his fat fingers, sad he sees his fame fleeting from him….

And I am tired of celebs crying about being followed by paparazzi…it comes with the job, I get up at 3am everyday…wanna trade?

Also, how is "I have gay people in my family a defense"? That is as weak as saying "I have plenty of black friends."

Out of what character? The one he and his publicist created for you to think he is just this regular "dude"?

Agreed, you can't argue with the logic of a blatantly homophobic ghost!!

I am sure he is sorry now that he said it..had it not been video taped would be apologizing?
I am sure he meant nothing by calling him that…I am sure he just wasn't clever enough to say something else and fell back on an old trusty cut down of his..

I like gay wad, Jonah Hill is a bit of gay wad though…so he'd get caught calling the kettle black and all that. However, for someone else, like say Mel Gibson using it, totally works.

Lets not be fools…if you think for one moment that he isn't simply sorry that he was recorded calling the guy a faggot than you are a child.
He thinks he is on the verge of conquering Hollyood as the next Woody Allen, w/ his eyes set on a career behind the camera as well as in front, and he fearfully sees what similar

If a believable premise is required for you to enjoy a movie then I pity you…cause as great a movie as it is how many times can you enjoy watching Hollywood Cop?

Now maybe it's been quite some time since it was fashionable in rap to be an Anti-Semitie..the late 80's to mid 90's were rife w/ rhymes against Jews, Ice Cube probably being the most prominent in my memory due to the various lines in No Vaseline, a track I listened to hundreds of times.

Seriously, I think this guy is as lame as it gets, but Seth Rogen just may be the bigger douche….lets see him pick a fight with guys like Ice Cube and such over blatantly anti Semitic lyrics. Talk about being cowardly selective on who you call out….he goes after this joke and Bieber..cheap.

This is the exact episode, the straw that broke this camel's back, which made me give up on Lost and never return to the island….
Once I saw this headline I instantly thought, "I hope it is the tattoo/Bai Ling episode"….I feel strangely validated/proud of my ability to detect crap.
I am certain that there were numerous

Seriously, Empire Records? That movie can easily be watched today as a parody film of the 90's.
I keep waiting for the writer(s) to show up at a Mortified event and read the screenplay.

Well done, sir, well done

I never cared for BEE as a human being or his works (aside from enjoying the Rules of Attraction adaptation when it was originally released), but his revelation of being invited to one of these underage parties and not coming forward following his knowledge of these "events" in one form or another till now kinda