This is most of why I now live in a minivan.
This is most of why I now live in a minivan.
PFLAG has some great resources, like this glossary. And for the most part, as long as you’re a respectful and open-minded person, you’ll do fine.
Please feel safe to talk about your experiences on /r/raisedbynarcissists! (We get trolls once in a while, but a quick ‘report’ brings them to mod attention)
Suggestion for future article: “How to protect your kids from your abusive parents”
What’s the benefit of this over ReadRuler?
Why trust them to when you can help already-registered Democrats remember to vote?
One of my earliest memories is of my first Thanksgiving (probably three or so). I had no idea it was a holiday (I think someone stuck me in front of a TV all day until food was ready) but suddenly dinner was hours early and my plate had this weird stiff ketchup on it. One bite, though, and I started a lifelong habit…
Have y’all ever heard of /r/raisedbynarcissists? Because we’ve heard of Lifehacker and link to it often.
I’ll add a corollary to this rule that if they (or you) have a shit family, they (and you) should be willing to go low-contact/very-low-contact/no-contact with them long before marriage/kids enter the picture. Once the initial ‘COME BACK WE’RE FAAAAAAMILY’ noise is over and the restraining orders are in place, you can…
Roll Fizzlebeef
You sound like someone who either didn’t grow up in an abusive home environment or are in denial about it. Please don’t judge others for putting healthy distance between themselves and their abusers.
“Anyone who hasn’t spoken to a parent in 6 years has some shit to deal with.” Yes. They’re dealing with their parent being an abusive asshole to them. They’re dealing with it by removing themselves from that toxic environment.
“Beer beer beer beer beer beeeeeeeer...”
I love Messenger and all, but based on testing with friends, deleting a message only deletes it on your account, not the recipient’s.
I assume you’re already familiar with McMansion Hell.
Late reply, but wanted to let you know that 1) akinjaGuy is either a troll or a slob who DNRTFA, and 2) I dealt with an extremely similar situation for years and only stopped feeling like a slave after he moved out and the divorce was finalized.
You’re on a website dedicated to finding new little facets of self-improvement and productivity, sometimes involving coming up with terminology for the things that hold us back. If this particular entry didn’t help you, it doesn’t mean it’s merely ‘catchy’ or a ‘meme’.
Not all libraries are like this! My local Fayetteville (Arkansas) Public Library has been happy to accept copies of both my (scifi/horror) novels and included me in a local authors program. The advice to self-published authors should be to ask, not give up.
Look around on Facebook for your local Indivisible group (e.g. I’m in Arkansas and mine is Ozark Indivisible). They post calls-to-action, marches, protests, news, and the occasional political meme.