
Yeah, yesterday was 5 years since the bike helmet scandal. I’ll never forget that day. 

In a way, you kind of understand it—-the GOP is facing decimation for standing up for this clown for 2+ years, and they really have little choice but to double down on “Deep State!” nonsense now if they want any hope of keeping their jobs.

Holy shit. They knew better than to erase and destroy the call and transcript, but they thought they could store it on a national security database to keep it secret. Or something. Jesus. Giuliani is fucked. Also, MULTIPLE officials were concerned. Multiple.

Thank you. This has bugged me for a long time now. “Gaslighting” isn’t just lying — it’s lying, or really saying anything, with a specific intent against the listener, namely making the person being gaslit question their own grasp on reality. It’s NOT lying to make someone (including, sometimes, yourself) believe the

This is a really bad hill to die on.

It’s true.

For all we know that’s not what he said, as what the White House sent out was a memo and not the actual transcript of the call.

100% and the fucking republicans like Graham are like “no explicit quid pro quo”...OF COURSE NOT! It’s fucking incredulous that these republicans CAN SOMEHOW STILL SUPPORT HIM AND TRY AND GO AFTER BIDEN.

Literally no law abiding, adult person speaks in code.  The only people who do are children with a clubhouse and people up to no good.  This may be an unusual instance where the person speaking in code is both those things.

It’s like how mafiosi never use words like “kill” or “take out” when they talk about murdering someone. It’s always “did you do the thing?” “What thing?” “You know, the... the thing. With the rat.” “Oh, I called pest control. Our little rat infestation is all taken care of.”

Yup. Goes hand in hand with the “he can’t be a racist, I’ve never once seen him walking down the street shouting the n-word while wearing a hood and holding a burning cross!” mentality that the far right has.

Z: I would also like to thank you for your great support in the area of defense. We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Now playing

Right, this is like what Michael Cohen said.

You must have missed the part where Trump publicly said that he did withhold the military funds.

My mom tried to argue with me that I simply just “Dont understand Trump’s nuance” when he says things like this. “Oh honey you don’t understand, he’s just joking around he’s not ACTUALLY doing anything wrong. It was just locker room talk between friends.”

Yeah, this in no way exonerates him. What a dumb ass.

Great ready for the “What law did he break?!!1?” cries.

My god I cannot agree more with this. Last year I had three destination weddings to go to while in between jobs. I could only afford two and the buddy of mine whose wedding i declined chewed me out for “bailing last minute” two months in advance told me to go fuck myself and that we shouldn’t be friends

This is correct. After getting drug around the world in my late 20's, poor, i did not gift, and also did not even invite anyone to my 35 dollar wedding at the Asheville, NC courthouse. I feel vindicated, and while having to spend 10 days in Nicaragua next winter for a late blooming set of friends while i am not poor,

“Dude, I got you a bottle of Johnny Walker black from the duty free.”