
Almost every hospital has that one extra narcissistic surgeon that would leave an open patient on the table for any glad handing celeb photo-op(Trump, Bernie, Bozo, doesn’t matter).

So the owners weren’t arrested or fined into the ground?

I seem to remember the biggest evidence ‘socialism’ is bad was crop mismanagement causing mass starvation. some fella named Stalin or sumthin? will be interesting to see how the American rendition of that plays out.

Don’t forget taxes. These folks have payroll taxes deducted from their paychecks.

Expect it to get worse when the farmers, who are already getting shafted due to the weather and the easily winnable trade war, have vegetable crops rotting in the fields because migrant workers aren’t available.

My sister worked in the offices of a food processing plant some years back. At one point there was an ICE raid (only because of a whistle-blower), several workers were arrested but, of course no managers, HR people, executives or owners. Undocumented replacements were hired within a couple of days.

I’ve already heard complaints about the rising cost of food.

Plant management probably called ICE. It is a common intimidation tactic.

This isn’t a coincidence. Many companies call ICE in for a raid as a form of collective punishment after the workers stand up for their rights.”

Wait. Koch industries?

And Im sure not one boss who hired an undocumented worker will be arrested.

Does he think you need a membership card and a subscription to Whites’R’Us magazine to qualify as a white supremacist? The fuck?

Yeah, I’d say Fox News has more than a little blood on their hands. 

A pair of white dudes shoot a bunch of brown people because they are brown and the GOP decides that the fault lies with:

I played FarmVille and never once felt the urge to plant some corn.

Me too. I left home at 18 and it infuriated me that the financial aid system counted my parents’ income until I was 24. I had to go through the same fight every year to try to get tax documents from my parents to file my FAFSA on my own just to keep my scholarship.

I love how the 20 something bloggers here think this is new. I was happening in the 90's. Kids emancipated from their parents Senior year and applied to school as independent adults, even if they were still being supported financially by parents. It’s simply one way of working a system. Most people are adults when

This isn’t new. 20 years ago kids graduated HS, declared ‘independence’ from their parents early and did the same thing. Anytime there is a system, people will figure out how to game it.  It’s how people operate.

Yup, I knew people who did this in the 2000's. I don’t know the details because it was always mentioned off-the-cuff, but lots took gap year(s) in Europe to age out or started emancipation processes while studying for the SATs. 

I’m confused. Your Dear Leader said the economy has never been better and the markets are booming and money is pouring in. If that’s true, how is it possible that children are going hungry? Something smells like a dried up orange.