
what kind of partisan moron would rather pay 10x more for insulin because paying less is “for commies”

Man, for people that call everyone else “snowflakes,” they sure to complain a lot about people being mean to them.

The secret is that these scared GOP assholes have been saying the same shit about every single group that has come to America. They said the same shit about the Irish, the Italians, etc. We never teach this in history class so these “BUT THEY WON’T ASSIMILATE!” assholes are just left to blather on unchecked. 

I mean being part of a national news story isnt by necessity bad... My friend was part of national news for protesting the pledge of allegiance in middle school.... Nothing wrong with starting shit. Something wrong with being a self satisfied racist tho.

His base doesn’t read.

I’m over twice as old as this little shit. I’ve made it this far in life without being the subject of a national news story. It’s not even something I’ve tried not to do. I just don’t go around starting shit. It’s pretty fucking easy, actually. 

I’m Bernie all day, but will gladly hold my nose for Joe Biden, Pete Buttigieg, blankety-blank... it. Don’t. Matter.

...aaaaaand we all know how much they love the law when it doesn’t work for them.

Seriously, is the guy just a big pussy? Afraid of everyone, except Faux Newz? Everyday, I can not believe the crap this guy says or does. So I guess his comments mean that Baltimore is better than staying at a Trump Hotel then?

Dear Sandmann Lawyers:  you have smug asshole fools for clients.

If this was a true Florida Man story the conflict between car owner and homeowner would have ended in meth-fueled nude gunplay.

Joule thief!

The initial explanation did sound an awful lot like an attempt to quickly scapegoat someone and then sweep the dirt under the nearest rug—but I’m deliberately taking the excuse TPUSA offered in good faith, because it’s absolutely hilarious to me that an organization that prides itself on producing young people who

I don’t disagree that this likely was not an innocent mistake. They probably hired some IT or design person who didn’t adhere to their ‘philosophy’ but wanted the money, and that person took the opportunity to fuck with Trump in a way that is subtle and yet obvious. And to that person I say, Well done!! 

Agreed.  I should be clear: not slamming paraprofessionals/assistants at all, I was a paraprofessional working with autistic kids for a while myself, but I wasn’t going around calling myself a Board Certified Behavior Analyst while I was going through school, y’know?  

Why not focus on the better tweets of the day, the ones with substance & good analysis, instead of feeding yourself a diet of this D-list celebrity poison? Who cares about the reichwingers’ reactions? We already knew they’d do exactly this. DJTJ is just doing his assigned job. So is that subhuman scumsuck D’Souza.

 Bingo. Might be a classroom aide, but certainly not properly credentialed

Thank you for clarifying, because I wondered in my head “self-described?  You either have the educational and professional background, or you don’t.....”

People like Danielle Stella are the reason we have warning stickers on hairdryers telling you not to use them in the shower.