
With her head tilted to one side and a perfect, sunny smile on her face.

Somehow I have a feeling the strongest expression of disapproval she’s ever shown is say “Oh daddy........you’re so silly!”

“Owning slaves wasn’t a decision predicated on race but on economics. It’s a business decision.”

Nah, just craven as shit.

A white supremacist whining about anti-semitism is peak stupid timeline

loling at the idea that Trumps supporters care about anti-Semitism beyond “let’s troll teh libs”. Be best, big guy.

Bullshit he’ll “never forget” the 1972 Olympics; he wasn’t even sperm yet.

I guess they could run a car company...

Are you people blind??

The thing about hate is that it’s a beast that eats itself.  Its appetite is insatiable and it’ll find something else to consume as the world burns around it.

“Peaceful ethnic cleansing”is like “clean coal”. They both do do not exist and are completely made up to sanitize an unsavory product. People who trot those ideas out like they’re real things should just take off the adjectives at the front and call them what they are and stop being cowards.

“Peaceful removal of all non-white” is a fantasy in and of itself.  It’s not worth discussing.  What they actually means is “removal of everyone we hate by the most violent means possible.”

“Do these dumbasses realize”

Of course not. These morons line up to be spoon fed the lie that they’re the “right” kind of whatever right up until they’re kicked into the crocodile pit.

One of the most ironic elements of any “hardcore” group is watching them fail to meet the impossible purity tests they establish and using those parameters to cannibalize themselves. Doesn’t matter if you’re talking about punk rock, white supremacists, fundamentalist Muslims, Christians, etc.- they will inevitably

It’s almost like our founding fathers new what they were talking about when they separated church and state...

Same book, different prophets, no biggie

Bingo. Posted the same thing above. This is a show he’s putting on to scam old people out of their votes. He spends all his free time watching porn. Probably gay porn. 

No one ever tells a white person speaking fluent English, “Go back to where you came from.” But it happens pretty constantly to minorities. You can go to Twitter, put in “Go back to where you came from” into the search bar, and you’ll see a lot of stories. The saddest thing is that a lot of Native Americans have been

We can also talk about motus, and the Russian tactic of, “Hey, the lakes are frozen. It’s cool, we can take our tanks across them! ...why the fuck are you worried about mortars? It’s a goddamned frozen lake!”

I fully recognize that Finland threw in with Nazi Germany during WW II (largely for protection from the