
You’re mis-reading the Joan Walsh tweet.  She’s praising Omar...not criticizing her.

“Smug, greedy, well-fed white people have invented a language to conceal their sins. It’s as simple as that.

Republicans Hate That Trump Said The Quiet Part Loud Again

McCain is a hypocritical piece of trash but I’m glad she said this. Conservatives will never listen to criticism from liberals. Some of them will listen to criticism from fellow conservatives.

And imagine how it’s going to be as we get closer to the election. Especially if he’s trailing in the polls to the Democratic nominee.

Oh not just that...but just think on the following for a moment:

He simply just wants to get re-elected. His numbers were low when he was flirting with Never Trumpism, then soared when he fell in line. He’s a pretty unremarkable pragmatic, spineless politician in that way.

About two years ago, I had one of those discussions just before Thanksgiving with my aunt. My aunt, as I found out, is a vintage, paradigmatic elder Boomer Fox watcher. So when she asked who I planned to vote for in 2020, I said Warren or Sanders would be my first choices.

How pathetic is our tough guy government if four women with very little political cache can get party leaders on both sides apoplectic for just existing.

I actually recommend people who’ve been around this group of sites for a few years to take some time and go back and read old posts from around the time of his inauguration (or even just a year ago). It’s, well it’s something to go back and see how things are so similar, and yet how different the mindset of the

Turning the temperature up slowly... bit by bit. He’s bringing those in his camp into full blown white nationalism.

Trump overtly racist tweets, which have received virtually zero criticism from his complacent Republican colleagues

Why would he “back down” from the thing that won him the election in 2016?

If only Pelosi had a means with which to formally denounce such dangerous rhetoric. Someplace other than Twitter. Some official pulpit that she could use to, on the national record, speak out against this.

Here’s Trumps whaboutism at play. Edit: Can’t place his tweet because I’m an idiot.

this is the scary part im not hearing get talked about enough. trump and his lack of accountability is making terrible, powerful, sometimes rich men cockier and bolder. they dont have to pretend to have ethics or hide their shame. cuz usually nothing happens. we are going to keep seeing this from the worst kind of

can the people of PR ever catch a fucking break?

We’re reducing funding and staffing at lots of different federal agencies. The supposed goal is to reduce federal spending... but since the agencies are required by law to continue functioning, they have to hire private corporations to do the work for them. The government ends up paying more to private companies than

Ohio.  Why does the federal IRS office have non-federal law enforcement working there?  We REALLY don’t know when we wake up in the morning if we will be able to lay down in our beds at the end of the day...