
Seriously. As a non-American, Hillary seems about as exciting / threatening as a beige filing cabinet.

I have thought a bit about this, because it has been in the news lately. I think that politicians should be asked the following, much more specific questions:

He probably can’t take out a full page apology because he probably stiffed the Times on the first one.

You know, there are thousands of people every year who “admit guilt” despite likely not being guilty. Set aside the horrifying malpractice of justice in the Central Park Five case, it’s a known fact people take plea deals even when they’re innocent because lawyers and judges encourage it. Because the system is

There is more.

This response is really a killer:

The reason he isn’t destitute is because rather than giving an inheritance directly as a lump sum, his father put the bulk of the family fortune in a trust structured to take care of Donald *and* his siblings. His father knew he was an idiot and set things up so Donald couldn’t destroy the entire family.

I used to (briefly, thank God) date a woman who had zero emotional control. When she got upset she’d yell, scream, throw tantrums, accuse me (and anyone else within earshot) of things, just generally melt down. And if I ever got the least bit upset by her obvious attempts to upset me, or if I responded to her at all,

I’m surprised they let him in the Fox News studios, honestly. They won’t be able to get Tucker Carlson on set for weeks now, haha

“I think they’re looking for a reason to be offended,” said the cruel, grimacing plutocrat, as his wattled neck shook with glee at his insincerity and smug defiance of all that is good, just and moral.

We will never forget the additional riders that GOP Senators can attach to the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.”, The Honorable Mister Turtlehead of K-Whacky.

A war would also help him stay president if he loses the election, he can use his tried and true “national emergency” excuse to hold onto the presidency if he loses.

That’s been his method for his ENTIRE presidency (hell, probably his entire life). Probably how he manages to lose billions. The only reason he isn’t bankrupt is he’s been getting money from Russia and other foreign nations.

Anyone who ever—even for an instant—takes the spotlight off Special Big Boy is getting a reprimand.

This dude is further up his own ass than the super-serious high school theater kid who hisses at the parents in the audience if someone sneezes during that year’s production of CATS.

This seems like the best first step. If what we’re really worried about are shipping lanes in and around the Strait of Hormuz being attacked/interrupted, then we need to send armed escort vessels with the tankers.

If whomever is responsible for the attacks (and it might well be Iran, or at least the IRG, but we don’t

Trump: “Look, *sniff* *sniff* don’t make unseemly noises while I’m *sniff* *sniff* whining how persecuted I am *sniff* on the news.”

“These unprovoked attacks on commercial shipping warrant a retaliatory military strike,” Cotton told CBS.

“These unprovoked attacks on commercial shipping warrant a retaliatory military strike,” Cotton told CBS.