
This is why, even if it had a non zero chance of success, I’m not particularly motivated to see Trump impeached because I want to see that motherfucker LOSE and lose big.

One of the polling firms that Trump is cutting ties with is the Polling Company, which was formerly run by Kellyanne Conway.

‘“Those polls don’t exist,” Trump told ABC News on Thursday. “I just had a meeting with somebody that’s a pollster and I’m winning everywhere, so I don’t know what you’re talking about.”’

Or her CPAC gleet covered husband, Max Schlapp, who would look cheerful as he said the most horrendous things on PBS.

These freedom caucus clowns are the absolute fucking worst.

Yeah, don’t forget the ‘consulting’ gigs for the Koch brothers, the sinecures in conservative ‘think tanks’. She won’t find work, but she’ll be amply rewarded.

I share your wish, but suspect she will be in high demand as a public speaker, will score a book deal, be sought-after as a pundit, and will attain high office in her home state. Only the evil thrive in this reality.

What she plans to do next: A book deal, a speaking circuit, and eventually holding office at the Arkansas-state level (most likely the Governorship), which will be achieved entirely on the back of name-recognition, and not actual political or personal value.

...and that recognition, by the way, will boil down to “I

These idiots would be standing with their lawyers, at the defendant’s table, in a court of law, in front of a judge and a jury of their peers screaming “WHERE’S MY DUE PROCESS???!!!!!!”

Remember this is the same administration that is trying to crucify a pair of FBI agents for expressing private political opinions via text message to each other and no one else.

Meanwhile, they’re trying to prosecute FBI employees for having personal political opinions, and expressing them to each other. 

[This is getting repetitive:] Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Republican Party, “The party of law and order,” and “the party of personal responsibility.”

As a disabled veteran, all I can say is, “yup.”

I guarantee it wasn’t Trump himself that made this decision. Someone smarter understood the optics and cut this off at the pass.

Pretty much anyone would.


I was watching a similar show where everyone is beautiful and trying to show off how rich and classy they are. There’s one gal —the nastiest of them all— who always orders lemon drop shots at every restaurant they visit. What people drink and how they drink it (lookin’ at you, everyone-who-shakes-expensive-champag

I’ll bet Tucker Carlson dedicates about 7 minutes to a “scathing condemnation” of Jon Stewart on his program tonight. Lord knows, however, he’d never attempt such a thing if Stewart was in the room.

Plus, what kind of trade agreement is only one page?