
Actually they’re showing their asses because A. their supporters love it when they act like smug, condescending assholes, and B. right-wing propaganda will pick up these clips of them “owning the libz” and they contribute to the overall false narrative of that “ownage.”

Has any non-nefarious group of people ever been described as a cadre? And this is the name these geniuses picked for their shady real estate firm? Give me a break, they’re fucking trolling us.

Given that Chelsea Clinton isn’t in the shady real estate business, I highly doubt that.

Baldwin’s serviceable Trump impersonation drives the Mango Mussolini (more) insane.

Well that’s the GOP for ya, the party of small govern- . . . huh?

The Anti-Abortion SOBs feel emboldened, by Trump I suppose. They feel free to speak their hearts. Thank God! People can finally hear them for what they really are!

It’s not about balancing the budget. It’s the hypocrisy. Trumpo was constantly bitching about the “waste of taxpayer funds” Obama was committing when he took a vacation or played a round of golf.

That kind of insight requires some knowledge of history, and everyone knows book learning is for liberal commies...

Perhaps it doesn’t matter so very much how she died but that the trauma of having been raped twice in her youth generated such horror that she could no longer see her way clear to live.

That’s what I could never understand about “white-nationalists”. Even if they got their “white homeland”, they’d still find reasons to hate each other and split off into tribal factions.

False equivalency knows no boundaries...

Not rich enough but she does have the racism down!

Trump is fucking Santa Claus to these people

Does this bitch REALLY think that Trump combs through his tweets and personally addresses each one? Like he ignores all the people dunking on him but reads, responds, and solves problems for all the supporters that tweet at him??

If she gets fired, she will be hired by a private school a la Mother Pence. 

recently released felons are always flooded with new job opportunities at high0-paying firms.

I voted for Bush twice, Obama twice, and I’d have voted for Kasich over Bernie. I grew up in the country and live in the city. I align, in actual policy, somewhere in the middle of both parties. I exist. Run a decent, sane, un-dirtied candidate from left, right, or center, they get my vote. Period.

The one thing left-wing and right-wing media agree on wholeheartedly is that the country is more polarized than ever and that there’s no middle ground anymore, no such thing as a centrist. But that’s not true. There are reasonable, centrist-leaning conservatives still, lots of them. But the dichotomy in our media

Listen, every conservative in this country saw millions of Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey after 9/11, and if you ask to see video proof, that just means you’re a secret Muslim, too. I don’t see why this is so hard to understand.