
Harry Reid went nuclear on cabinet appointments, and that got us Neil Gorsuch, though...

I’m old enough to remember the Olympics of the late 70's and 80's. Truth be told, we were outclassed by the old Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc in many sports, gymnastics in particular. The thing is we’d roll our eyes at it and rationalize it by saying, “Well our amateurs are just that, normal people living normal lives

These are the same fuckheads that get their panties in a twist every time a cop shoots an unarmed black person: “WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE POLICE?!?!?”

he literally doesn’t think he did anything wrong, fuck him...I can’t get over how angry this statement makes me...he hurt so many people and doesn’t think he did a thing wrong

Luke Falk, QB, WSU: “Too soft, has empathy, lacks killer instinct. May become locker room divider.”

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people who have done completely horrible things to rationalize it like they are the victims. No matter what they have done, people always believe that they are “good.”

Way to disrespect my “thoughts and prayers” /s

Sure maybe I had the drugs, but can you prove I took them!?! Oh, you can also prove that. Well hell hath no fury like a joint unsmoked.

I didn’t really know anything about these extra charges until reading this article...and just wow. To say I didn’t belong to websites or go on the dark web.... dude you were fucking making your own!

yeah, there’s a reason you never here about people being caught with like, 2 images, or just having viewed it once. Because it’s almost impossible to catch them. He was a producer, who likely shared it. And got caught because he was also a molester...just wow....but he was allowed to act this way forever so he thought

We should be teaching everyone about financial literacy. We should start with the millionaire coke-head bankers that keep playing russian roulette with the economy so that they can line their own pockets, and when they inevitably fuck everything up they rely on tax payers, like the poor ones in Kentucky, to bail them

No kidding. they found footage he himself made on a gopro at a swimming pool and 37,000 images.

“I just signed your death warrant.”

But these people are not poor because they made some uninformed financial decisions. They are poor because their grandparents and parents were poor, and/or they have thousands of dollars of medical debt. So sure, let’s treat them like they’ve done something wrong, simply lack education, and force them to stress about

I’m not in Kentucky, but even so. The reason my kids are on Medicaid is that, despite the fact that I work full-time, I also have an ex who refuses to pay any child support. I’m also a small-business owner and I don’t currently have enough income to support my kids without their father pulling some of his own damn

Yep, banking and opening accounts are stupidly complex. They are full of insane terms and just perfectly designed to screw over poor people.

Greased lightpoles, Eagles fans running into support beams, Gerrymandering being appealed to courts that have no jurisdiction, and this guy. It’s pretty clear Florida is taking a sabbatical and Pennsylvania is saying “hold my Yuengling”

The party of personal responsibility.

“I’m just going at you so hard because I care about you the most.”

“I didn’t mean to hit you, baby, I’m just stressed about work.”