
Yeah, but what if you’re 14-years-old and living in a rural area with few doctors and you mention to yours that you want to start looking into the process of gender reassignment. If the doctor is professional and unbiased, you’d get the information you needed and referrals, etc. But if they were allowed to refuse to

Agreed, this is terrible, and we don’t need anything else to make it harder for women to get an abortion or trans people to get healthcare. But, um, I don’t get the “doctors withholding gender reassignment surgery” part. It’s not like you get gender reassignment surgery from your primary care physician. And nobody

I’m going to say something asshole-ish -

I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:

I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures [that] are required, avoiding

People would go ape shit. The thing that’s ironic is that people like pence want sharia law, they just want it without the brown people and called something else.

This is bigot pandering that won’t survive a court challenge. Unfortunately people will be hurt by this. It is disgusting. When you are a pharmacist, your job is to verify and dispense the meds ordered for safe, effective care... not to insert your religious beliefs on the woman receiving plan b. If you don’t like

And this fucking asshole has the nerve to tell the judge listening to his victims is cruel and unusual punishment. Bathe in it, motherfucker.

I desperately hope we will also soon be watching Michigan State and Team USA admins face the women and girls who they failed to protect. The scale of of the damage they’ve done - and that of the ensuing coverup - is mind boggling. So many failures. So much cowardice. So many young lives needlessly ruined, or at least

I am sure it was included at some point here at Deadspin, but I had forgotten, or missed, that USA Gymnastics paid off McKayla Maroney. The timeline isn’t clear to me after brief looking online, but it seems Nassar wasn’t immediately terminated or turned in to proper authorities. Way to go, folks.

Yeah, but they won a shitload of medals so everything is alright.

Never let it be said USA Gymnastics won’t do the right thing, way too late, when faced with public pressure and demands from their biggest stars.

So is this the first domino? It’s great that you aren’t sending kids to this ranch, but what about the years of abuse that these gymnasts were subjected to under the watchful eye of the Karolyis? And I don’t just mean Nasser’s abuse. People have known for years that the Karolyis treated the young gymnasts like chattel

List of possible candidates for new national gymnastic center:

The reunification of Germany had a lot of the same problem the Koreas would face, with the East Germans starting off worse off in every metric compared to their Western cousins, as well as hard to measure qualities like initiative and entrepreneurialism. It has been a long road but it was extremely well managed.

The best of a bunch of bad solutions is that the US publicly accepts that yes, North Korea does in fact have a nuclear program that can reach the US and there’s nothing we can do about that that doesn’t immediately lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths. The reason they’re so insistent about developing nukes is that

We’re talking Korean women’s ice hockey here - it’s kinda like if the NFL let the Colts pick up a few of the Browns’ players.

Nope. This Atlantic piece is a good read on the subject. There really aren’t any solutions that don’t create a bunch of new problems (war, millions of brainwashed and/or uneducated refugees no country wants to take in and accommodate, a power vacuum, and so on). The status quo is still the best option, sadly.

China finally takes some responsibility and goes in and replaces the regime without a shot being fired. A pipe dream though.

Yes, NBC’s coverage of Karolyis has bordered on the hagiographic.

It was probably the cheapest solution that technically met the written requirements. Everyone gets upset when the government spends too much of their money so they probably had to go with the lowest bidder rather than their preferred solution.