
Al Bundy would have definitely loved Trump. But he would have been to lazy to vote for him so it wouldn’t matter lol.

I feel like original Roseanne would have seen Trump for a phony, and probably wouldn’t have voted at all. She and Dan didn’t seem particularly politically involved, TBH, although I could see Darlene and maybe Jackie getting into politics.

She was also a yoga teaching, yogurt making hippie. But she still voted for Trump.

My mom taught special Ed in title I schools for 30 years and loved ALL of her kids, voted for Clinton and Obama, raised me as a feminists, taught me to see all people the same, and voted Democrat for everything on the ballot BUT president. She voted for Trump. She’s not evil.  She just thought he’d shake up the status

I feel like if a show like Roseanne had been around between 1997 and 2018 we could see where and how the Connors could skew Trump, but honestly I bet a real Dan and Roseanne would’ve stayed their asses home and bitched about there being no good candidates and need shaking to get them to consider that maybe there was

I could totally see the Connors being Trump supporters. I have some family that is so similar to the Connor blue collar thing who are Trump supporters. I have an uncle who sent my mom (EXTREMELY LIBERAL) an article about how we need to make people who get government assistance work for their money. Keep in mind my

Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch were the dissenting justices.

It would be odd to say that she “appears unharmed,” if in fact she was drugged and assaulted.

Back in Arizona, there were rumors about Sherrie Joe serving the most inedible food known to man in the jails because one of his family members owned all of the food vending machines in the jails and the worse the food was, the more the inmates were willing to spend on little Debbie’s marked up 10,000%.

Amazing. A political battle about disclosure to the public about how professional jailors personally profit from underspent funds used for prisoners food.

“You mean they pay you just to starve prisoners?” I’ll bet we get Trump Prison franchises within a month.

This is the swamp, folks. Government officials using public money to enrich themselves. I’m guessing Donald and his supporters couldn’t care less, but I’m eager to be proven wrong.

Categorically false. Everyone in that game was terrible.

Incognito was suspended in 2013 and went unsigned in 2014

I’m sure there were some very fine people on both sides of the line of scrimmage.

It’s long been my assessment that Trump is Dorian Grey and we are his portrait.

Through brilliance, fantastic deals, determination and super intelligence, Trump has managed to make less money in real estate than if he’d invested his inheritance in an indexed S&P fund so don’t tell me he doesn’t know the meaning of work!

Especially for one who clearly doesn’t want to do any real work cos he hasn’t truly DONE ANY in his entire adult life.

Granddad’s drug war is over, he just doesn’t know it yet. Even people that don’t like or give a shit about weed don’t think it should be illegal anymore. How do I know? Because I don’t particularly care for weed, but I also don’t give a shit if people use it, and making it illegal has just put a bunch of people