
Luckily Bortles is supported by die hard fans like Jason Mendoza, Pillboi, and the other 58 members of their pop and lock dance crew

“Up next on Hannity... Pearls: Are we clutching them tight enough?”

biggest problem in CO are with edibles and novices ingesting too much at one time. They eat a piece or two and don’t feel anything so they scarf down a few more — forgetting basic concept of human digestion. Folks are pretty damn stupid. We’ll hear stories about CA dumbasses doing the same, but then we already have

Damn impressive. Nobody can ever question the passion that Bills fans have for their team. It’s one thing to cheer a 3rd party QB for throwing the pass that gets your team into the playoffs, but it’s something else again to put your money where your mouth is.

I couldn’t say if she’s racist. It would be hard to tell from the film, as her main role on Fox & Friends was to play very, very dumb in order to (ostensibly) make Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade seem intelligent and commanding by comparison.

Brian Kilmeade is the dumbest FoxNews host not named Steve Doocy.

“What I’ve actually learned is that the work of keeping your path clear is a continual process, one so all-consuming that you may not ever have the time to look up and see where you’re going”

Believe the women... when they accuse Democrats!

My guess is they don’t want to lose advertising dollars. Schilling is too high profile for Breitbart to allow a Nazi on.

I’ve been wondering that too. Did something really high profile happen recently with him that made him toxic even to breitbart? There’s no chance anti-semitism alone is getting you exiled from there, it’s practically a requirement to even be accepted.

I stopped being shocked by this turd when it became clear that he’s lived the sort of life where he’s always had absolute power and he’s been able to say any bullshit thing that comes into his head without being challenged.

Born on third base, think they’ve hit triples.

Exactly this! It’s the same when people talk about how others get so offended easily these days, and things were so much more easy going in the past.

One of the most memorable periods of my 1970s childhood was when the workers at a local factory went on strike for a year. Kids were fighting on the playground (as in actually knocking each other out and breaking noses), some of my friends had to go to the union hall for free food, and the neighbor got a brick thrown

If I hear one more hunyuck from my hometown pining about “simpler times” ... I will probably not be invited to the next Big (2nd or 3rd) Wedding.

I would add that there is absolutely no attempt to grapple with the actual, functional policies that are messing these people’s lives up. You would think that given how celebrated articles like Ta-Nehisi Coates’ article on redlining or reparations was, you might see attempts to imitate it rather than simply dutifully

I come from a moderately to very wealthy group of overwhelmingly white medium-sized towns in the upper Midwest. It was a thicket of Trump signs up here during the election. Half my gainfully employed, four-year-degree-having, vacation-taking, new-car-driving family are Trumpies.

+1 I would subscribe :)

You nailed it. The media seems to find it easy to paint the rural, lower-educated people as those who’d “fall” for Trump. But they’ve yet to do an indepth report on the people that live right next door to them, who make as much money as them and have as much education as them why they voted for Trump. I don’t think

this and profiles like this are looking for answers that simply are not there. since the dawn of time people have tried to reason with the who/what/when/why of life and our dearly missed friend George had the only answer...