
Ummm, no. Just no. Logic says fuck Marc Trestman for settling for a 47-yard FG with 4 minutes left in OT. On 2nd down. SECOND FUCKING DOWN. As a Bears fan, fuck this fucking guy. All the way back to Canada.

Maybe Josh can kick field goals too. Fuck you, Robbie Gould.

Time to fire that useless fuckwit Dom Capers.

That now makes two things Sanchez and Stevie Wonder have in common: cornrows, and the inability to see what's directly in front of them.

This is interesting. He might be the only person from Wisconsin to intentionally dodge a draft.

Fucking "DRUG ATTIC" killed me. Well done.

Pictured: What Sarah Palin Thinks Her Orgasms Look Like

In Schiano Russia, dirt rubs on you.

This is just gawking at rich people. it's also proof that the tax rates are not high enough.

Rest in peace Drew Magary. We'll miss you.

Semi-serious question: At what point can we charge the entirety of Congress with treason? This whole mess is getting beyond ridiculous.

:( Oh. Now I'm sad because I have massive debt AND a case of the fats.

*maybe they're just fit because they're actually starving since they are so in debt to pampered chef or whatever

Yeah Maria Kang, I graduated summa cum laude PBK from Cornell at the age of twenty. WHATS YOUR EXCUSE? FOR NOT DOING WHAT I DID. LAZY.

Husbands who have real jobs that absorb the losses from said pyramid schemes and pressure them to stay in shape? Just a guess. Can't say I've ever met a single or primary breadwinner pyramid scheming "fitness" nut.

Agreed, i know a few "fitness competitors/uber moms"..every one of them fervently hawks a nutritional/vitamin/smoothie/cleanse MLM product.

I really hate the plethora of pics like this one on Pinterest. I don't need an excuse for not looking like you. I'm not you, easy as that.

Mushnick uses the words "baby mama" three times in a 550-word article about said "baby" being killed. He uses the word "mother" zero times.

These aren't your dad's Sex Cruise Vikings.

Let's do a whole bunch of stupid, illegal, and boorish shit and then flaunt our guilt by bragging about it without technology.