
Jeb and also the Supreme Court. Ben was probably too young to remember that, but goddamn, I sure wasn’t. 

Have you met Silicon start ups? The fucking juice machine that squeezed juice, not from fruit, but a bag? Anything involving Elizabeth Holmes? These investor types often have more money than sense. 

Well, I heard tell that in some of the Dave Ramsey financial groups, they talk about homebirth as a way to save money. Many homebirths are along the same vein of anti-vaxx theory: you know better than your doctor who is obviously out to get you and just make money. 

Netanyahu owes so much to the GOP/rightwing political machine, they basically own him. This whole episode basically laid that relationship bare. 

I’d be veeerrrryyy interested to follow up with the people who didn’t go in six months, and see how many of them were passed over for promotions, didn’t get raises as expected, and suddenly went from having decent to great performance reviews to all the sudden not quite doing as well. Sounds like a union shop, so they

Motherfucker, you know what saves all the babies? Fucking healthcare, dickhead.

First off, the bald look is creepy as fuck.

Bibi owes his position of power to the Karl Rove political machine. He knows which side his bread is buttered on. 

Yeah Donald, they “got to” go onto the streets and stay there. I’m not for putting everyone up in a mental hospital forever, but there are some people who are NEVER going to be okay. But none of them are shooting up places, either.

Shit, in most states, manicurist requires a license and training. The people that shit on these jobs are most often people who could never, ever, actually do these jobs. My fever dream is putting Ivanka, Jared, DTJ, and Eric in a fucking White Castle for a month and telling them to get to work. Also, they have to pay

Ben is probably also the first person to bitch when his overly complicated coffee order doesn’t come out perfectly every time, or when his burger doesn’t have the exact pickle/mayo/ketchup ratio. Or the toilet paper is out when he needs to take a constitutional (or maybe chronic constipation explains his attitude). Dud


Well, when you have a habit of not paying people, and only working with people who will fawn over you, and you’ve alienated women, LGBTQ, people who are not super white.... it really narrows the field down quite a bit. 

Jesus, Eric, you’re just not that bright, are you? 

God, I hope so. Just to find out how many opposing teams would happily pay the money to scream it at him. 

I’m in a nursing union. Three years ago, there was a well publicized strike in one of our hospital systems. I had a patient ask about it, and I wasn’t sure where he came down on the issue until he said “the companies that deserve unions are the ones that get unions.” Wanna keep the union away? Great! Respect your

No fucking shit. It’s not politically incorrect so much as anatomically incorrect. You want a weak sexual organ? Fucking scrotums, man. You look at that fucker too hard and dudes will wince.

I like my bosses very much, in general. I’d probably say most of them are decent people motivated by trying to do good in the world. However, to say that unions are for “pussies,” (you know, the things that can pass a baby through them, whereas the male counterparts will fall to the floor writhing in pain if you so

My zip code? The one that elected Ilhan Omar? Yeah, there’s exactly ONE motherfucker who donated to Trump.

Dear asshole other white people: wanting to hear fairy tales about how great your culture is, and glossing over the bad shit is super racist. Dumb asses.