
Jesus Christ. History is history, not a bunch of glorified episodes involving hoop skirts and being told how glorious it all was. Go to the Stephen Foster plantation next time, dumbass. 

Yes, they hold all the power, and yet Trump is still in charge. I mean, persecution complex is a damned powerful drug to the Trumpanzees. 

As if. He’s been swearing for ages now. Evangelicals need to do a little less pearl clutching and a lot more introspection on why they voted for someone who doesn’t follow Jesus’ teachings like at all. BTW? Ilhan Omar looks a lot more like Jesus did than any of the stained glass representations you see in any church

We just settled a contract, and our organization leadership has already hinted that they’re coming after healthcare next time around, so I’m putting away a little each month towards a strike fund. Sure would be nice to use that money towards a vacation, or a bathroom remodel, or any other goddamned thing other than

The other union that’s super behind Medicare for All? National Nurses United. Probably because many of us have had the sad task of taking care of someone who died or had a lifelong complication that could have been prevented by having access to a primary care doctor. And I’m sorry, our health plan through our union is

and catheters. 

Claiming white supremacy is a hoax while using the term ZioMedia in the same tweet is some serious lack of insight. 

People are crafty as fuck. Worked in a state of the art, brand new psych building that had all of the current safety features. Someone successfully completed suicide within the year. I’m not saying that this is the case with Epstein, but when people are determined, they’ll find a way. 

Honestly? I think he did kill himself, but no one bothered to stop him. He’s alluded to the fact that he couldn’t face prison before, and he’s a pedophile, so lots of people aren’t going to bother to stop him. Add to that the fact that people are crafty as fuck, and yeah, it’s plausible. And frankly, everyone on the

If you’ve been reading all the WYTS posts from this year and saying to yourself “THAT asshole still has a job?” Kaepernick couldn’t be worse than about 50% of the rostered quarterbacks in the league. 

My first day at this hospital was the day Trump was sworn in. This is a relatively affluent area in the Twin Cities. It was a whole day of people looking at each other, basically an “are we really doing this?” look? I’ve had post stroke patients who can’t speak, but Cheetolini comes on TV, and they give me a look, and

You’d get maybe five nurses in my hospital, total, from all shifts to pose and smile. Maybe a handful of doctors.

Lightfoot’s response is spot on. If this was anything but whataboutism, we’d be working on it. Well, Ivanka, what ABOUT Chicago? So do you want to do something about it, or do you just want to “own the libs?” 

And, cravenly, a lot of migrant workers come to work in the fields over the summer, and many of them are probably figuring it’s not worth the trip this year.

I’m literally socking away a Benjamin each month in anticipation of having a strike in three years over, yup, healthcare. And also pensions. But as it’s a nursing union, we’re more than open to the idea of healthcare for all, and frankly, we’d love it if we didn’t have to plan on fighting over it every three goddamn

Which sucks, because I genuinely left home at 19 and didn’t look back, and I could not be considered independent by the financial aid offices. They wanted shit like my parent’s tax returns when I filed my FAFSA, and I was all like “uhh.... do you understand what estranged means? Means I’m not likely to get their

I want to be able to star the “from the fans comments” so much that I look for that goddamned star. 

This is not new. I knew someone who did this at the U of Minnesota. I was so poor I didn’t always know where I was eating, but her parents paid for a car, her apartment, and everything else. She was actually super nice to me, but of course, her family voted Republican. 

Yes, but those parents are fine because they’re sticking it to the gays and the feminists, and it’s said in Jesus’ name.

This reminds me of how some people are about the Somali community in MN. They don’t assimilate, they keep to themselves, they complain. I dunno, I’ve been to some of the grocery stores and restaurants and never felt anything but welcomed. Then they bitch because they’re “taking over” the Mall of America. Like,