
Oh, I could. There’s a lot of idiots out there who wouldn’t just buy one copy, they’d buy one for family and friends. Surely you’re familiar with how Amway (Betsy’s husband) gets shitty, right wing books on the best sellers list? They just tell their cult members that they need to buy x book because it will help their

Yeah, because everywhere represented by a GOP rep is a pristine, beautiful place, obviously. No problems....

I’m over twice as old as this little shit. I’ve made it this far in life without being the subject of a national news story. It’s not even something I’ve tried not to do. I just don’t go around starting shit. It’s pretty fucking easy, actually. 

Of course she is. Of course she believes shadowy conspiracy theories against Omar, but also stole things because, of course she did. 

Most of these people have never worked an honest day in their lives, and it shows. They wanna shit on AOC for being a server/bartender, but the truth is they have no fucking clue, and they couldn’t fucking handle it. Okay, couch assholes, I triple dog dare you to take a week’s worth of shifts at a mid-level cafe. And

This is basically a nursing assistant saying that they’re a “nursing professional.” The job itself is fine, and should be respected, but you immediately become a tool when you decide to mislead people about your qualifications. 

She’s a paraprofessional. Which, is a fine job, but she’s obfuscating the fact that she doesn’t have a license and may not even have a bachelor’s degree.

She’s gonna get her ass handed to her in this district. 

I mean, they got a bunch of people to invest in a bag that needed a special machine to extract juice, but the bags could be opened without the machine, sooo...

*Low level* drug deals are verboten. I bet if you are the real life Camila Vargas, you’ve got an open invitation to Mar A Lago. 

Anna’s biggest mistake was that she bilked rich people instead of poor ones. If she’d bilked poor folks, she’d be the toast of Wall Street right now. 

I dare any one of these assholes shitting on AOC’s having been a bartender/server to do it for one week. One fucking week of managing the needs of multiple parties, remembering drink orders, getting things done quickly and efficiently during a rush, and dealing with ill mannered patrons. I bet they don’t last a full

That’s like me, a white person, saying I wouldn’t be mad if someone called me a racial epiteth (and cracker does not count). Of course it doesn’t upset me. 1) it doesn’t happen 2) it’s not likely to happen 3) even if it did happen, it would be ridiculous on it’s face and 4) the term has not historically been used

If it wasn’t about race, we’d all be packing our bags to go back to whatever country we came from, because unless you’re Native American, you ain’t from here. Furthermore, it’s damned likely that you came here under less than ethical circumstances. 

Oh no, if they actually get their white utopia? Guarangoddamnedtee a whole bunch of people are gonna find themselves surprised to find that they’re the wrong kind of white person. Or they follow the wrong version of the Bible. Or something. It’s always something. 

Can confirm. My great grandparents on my dad’s side legitimately came here illegally. At the time, Northern Ireland was, in fact, a shithole. Scotland wasn’t a whole lot better. A grandparent came from one of each, one of whom just basically never bothered to turn back up to the British Navy. I’m the product of

Is this from the D.C. Stephenson era? I read The Dragon and The Cross: The Rise and Fall of the Ku Klux Klan in Middle America. D.C. Stephenson is a less gold plated version of Trump, and what brought him down in the end was the fact that he couldn’t get away with his corruption forever. Gives me home with DJT. 

AND contractors. I have a friend who just left a contract gig, and the working conditions were RIDICULOUS. You have no recourse for anything, because they’ll just end your contract and get another body in. Health insurance is basically catastrophic coverage only, and if you do have something catastrophic, you’ll be

Do these dumbasses realize that if they ever got their “peaceful removal” of all non white people, that then they’d be the wrong kind of white person? Especially if it’s probably the kind of white person that has no marketable skills, since racists tweeting and “just asking questions” isn’t really something you can

Because despite the fact that my ancestors DID come here illegally, no one will ever ask me or any of my relatives where we came from or that we should go back there. The reason that never happens is because we’re all nondescript looking white folks with British last names.