
He’s basically handing Ilhan’s district back to her right now. She might have faced some heat over the statements that could have been viewed as anti-Semitic, but now? Shit, I can’t hardly walk a block around here without hitting an “Impeach Trump” sign, and less than half a block for a “Hate has no home here” kind of

Because I bet his reputation for not paying for work extends to tailors and barbers. Now add in the fact that his views are so repugnant, and you’ve narrowed the field of qualified people down to like 10. 

I know! I wish someone other than Netanyahu was Prime Minister and would say “hey, don’t fucking bring us into this!”

Remember it was less than four years ago that Paul Ryan actually came out against the president’s words. Paul Fucking Ryan. Now they just kinda go “oh, yeah, well, umm....” 

I mean, that one basketball team from rural Minnesota wussed out from coming to Ilhan’s district after they said some shady shit about the black players. Super rough neighborhood, what with the microbreweries, artisanal cupcake stands, and shop that specializes in high end bulk goods. 

Every year, our bagpipe band does the Minnesota State Fair. Every year since Trump has been president, we play Scotland the Brave as we march past the GOP booth.

I live in Omar’s district. Leading thought amongst his base is that this is some kind of long game by Islamic radicals to infiltrate our government. That she only got elected because there are like so many Somali people in her district. First of all, plenty of Somalis have moved out to the burbs. Secondly, this

Delores Umbridge, everyone. 

Bet you he also thinks that Tim Tebow didn’t get a fair shake in the NFL because of his faith and not say, because of the fact that he wasn’t actually all that good. 

He’s full of shit on the men outdrawning the women’s soccer team, right? Because my local indie/2nd run theater had TONS of people streaming out of it for Women’s World Cup. The American men haven’t been close to than in ages. 

We already know Evie Oddly does one hell of a Kellyanne. 

Kellyanne, she took of her earrings for that, girl. You better watch it. 

Not to mention all of the parts of Obamacare that people have more or less forgotten are Obamacare. Being able to stay on your parent’s insurance, no questions asked until you’re 26. That would have saved me from risking basically sepsis because I was terrified to go to the ER with what I knew was a kidney infection

My husband and I spend every year going over our health insurance options, and we’re both educated people, one of us even works in health care! (But you want to confuse the shit out of your nurse, just start asking about how their insurance is paid) We’re STILL surprised by what is or is not covered. They don’t make

Sounds like a great Mother Jones article. 

Don’t forget the money being made on detaining them! Many of them don’t really give a shit about illegal immigration, especially since they seem to have no problem hiring undocumented workers. But now that there’s a buck to be made, they’re all rapists and murderers and have to be detained. It’s all about lining

This cat is extra assholey. Like extra credit asshole. 

Shit, I’d do it for $500, and they’d have good food, fancy soaps and an asshole cat to deal with. Discount is for the asshole cat. 

Doesn’t hurt that the for profit prison industry is profiting handsomely from all of this. To the tune of $750 per immigrant per day. 

Which is frightening, because it’s not nearly enough.