
So what, this is going to be our Reichstag fire? And somehow Antifa will get blamed for any violence, because the Proud Boys are just pure as the driven snow. 

The superiority of the white race on display. 

I love how the Trump spokesperson somehow made the connection that taxing Betsy DeVos more would increase homelessness. 

In Minnesota, a “good” state for mental health, things are not much better. They’re a little better, but it’s still not good. 

It’s no coincidence that the for-profit prison industry is looking to get into residential mental health treatment. 

Oh, I’m aware. We shut down all the state hospitals, and there are some people that will never be okay on their own. We used to have one that would come in every 3-6 months, homeless, psychotic as hell, and a danger to themselves. We’d straighten them out, get them a place to live, and that place would kick them out,

I triple dog dare Kilmeade to spend 24 hours in a facility. I bet he doesn’t last 12. 

The fuck? He did touch on one right thing, mental illness has a lot to do with that. But I somehow doubt he’s gonna put any serious people/money towards the issue. Instead, fucking Javonka will say some pretty words about how sad it is, and how people should just stop being homeless, because they’re not homeless, so

No, it won’t. All of the Evangelical Right need to be called out often for the fact that they don’t worship Jesus, they worship Donald Trump. If they really worshiped Jesus, they would have never voted for Trump.

Okay, dumbass, here goes. Hitler didn’t become Hitler overnight. You’d know that if you had taken any history beyond the “Rah Rah America” variety. They didn’t start by sending Jews to concentration camps. Hell, they didn’t even start with Jews. In fact, one of the steps along to concentration camps was trying to make

If he gets fired, it will be for being caught, not for abusing his power. 

Don’t forget Scamway, run by the DeVos family, where people come to conferences and are “strongly encouraged” to buy the latest and greatest in right wing writing and bullshit. Oh and also not sleep, and also give up all your money and buy more shitty soap. 

Duh, she’s gotta cash in on that sweet, sweet crazy train gravy. MAGAts will all buy it, and regard it as THE TRUTH. 

That’s where the circle of sycophants come in handy. This explains why the Trump children have done nothing of substance with their lives, just go into the family business, the one that their incompetent father tried his damndest to fuck up. You can’t do anything of worth if you’re never willing to hear anything other

Hell no, President Pence is everything the GOP wants with none of the baggage. He’ll actually be able to get done the shit Trump wants to do, but skillfully, and when someone calls him on inhumane shit, he’ll laugh in that asshole radio voice and the mainstream media will forgive him. He’s a more elegant version of

Jesus Christ, I do two lessons of DuoLingo a day for funsies, and even I realize that his Spanish is bullshit. 

It’s a stupid fucking hobby, but it results in a lot of free beer. 

This guy said it better and more elegantly than I ever could. And with less motherfuckers, which is surprising when you follow his writing. 

Remember when Democrats in Wisconsin did this to stop Scott Walker from gutting the unions, and they were criminals and cowards? I’m sure the GOP will similarly condemn these legislators for not doing their jobs. 

The strike in, tight shoulders, and the fact that he needed an ENTIRE BAND to back him up probably says he doesn’t practice much these days. Bagpipes are not a “put it away for months at a time and pull it out and think it’ll be okay” type of instrument. Plus, I’d bet money that his drones were plugged and his reed