
Well charm and looks have nothing to do with judging someone. You see, as a human being I'm capable of critically observing shapes, objects, sounds, thoughts, musical compositions. She's fat, and her costume says 2 hard to 2 render. Logical response > 2 fat 2 render. Too many pixels brah.

Clumsy? It's totally a ridiculous analogy. I think you're done here.

HURRRR someone just compared freedom of expression and creative license to racial discrimination that infringes on civil rights HURRRRRRR

In gaming? We do.

Care to prove it? Yup, I didn't think so.

Hate to break it to you but yeah, she has.

So tell me, a person is a misandrist because she wants a videogame to also have female characters?

So which is it? Is it simple or does it take time, effort, and money? You're contradicting yourself here.

women don't perform well in a true meritocracy. So you lower the bar

I agree on the whole women being fighter pilots thing. I just dont like the fact that other branches have already lowered standards in order to make it easier for women to join. War is unforgiving, if you want to be in the middle of it then you better be as tough or tougher then anyone on that battle field. I would

Why is it such a big deal that you can't play a female in certain titles? If it isn't part of the vision for the entertainment, what's the big deal?! People aren't up in arms because there isn't a female lead in other titles such as Madden(lol), Super Mario Bros. and the original AC game. Why is this a big deal now?!

Neil Druckmann may be a great game developer but his argument from authority on behalf of Anita Sarkeesian's work doesn't make it any less flawed. If anything, it just makes him look more like a feminist shill.

So you think that opening a game development studio and raising the tens of millions of dollars necessary to make a AAA title on the level of an AC game is "simple?"

yes but using a websides to spam (this is like the fifth pro woman assasing post) to spread is just bullying. also these arren't: "this is what is happening what do you think about it" posts, they are written in the style that puts being adverse to their actions as the norm.

Ewww. Why does Kotaku insist on giving this delusional misandrist any attention? She has already been busted for propagating outright lies to spread hate.

sure, and all the busybody "feminists" whining will really make any dent in the game's sales. Because as we all know, game sales plummet when the public finds out there are no female protagonists. When you get back to Earth, let us know.

Mario's always smashing the blocks with his fists, actually.

And my families, and.. really anyone who ever cared about me. No biggie man.

Too much dining in Hell, not enough fighting at the Hot Gates.

This man seems as capable as any other person when it comes to driving and adapting to the world.