
There's absolutely nothing wrong with what he said. Despite what the world at large may think - people are in fact entitled to their views. You may not like them, but then he doesn't have to like the view that homosexuality is okay, does he? You can't have one without the other.
As long as he's not abusive etc., which

Homosexual intimacy in games/movies/television is just gross to me; grosses me out every single time. I can't help it. I don't have any anger, dislike or negative feelings for the gay community at large. I just can't wrap my head around the idea of penetrating a man's butthole or a mustache rubbing on my mustache.

a girl tournament as something like a "newcomer/casual tournament" is completely legit, but why do men not get such an opportunity, in this case women can choose to take part as newcomers or as part of the mixed matches against pros. men can only choose to take part in...yes you guess it, a mixed pro tournament, why

that is very true, but why do men have to put up with it because it is just too difficult while women getting saved from them, even though men and woman are equally based in their abilities and should get treated as equal opponents.
the argument that women are not as competetive as males may be somewhat true, but why

So why should there be only women's only tournaments and mixed tournaments? Should it not be like other sports where you have mixed, male-only, and female-only competitions?

I'm not expert in e-sports (quite frankly I find the whole thing to be slightly ridiculous) but there may be justifiable reasons as to why you

If women want to get into this sort of gaming then they usually will. Of course there are elements of the community who will try to make their lives a misery but those elements should be dealt with. An unfortunate truth is that often the game publishers do not deal with those elements because they can be a good source

That doesn't really answer my question though. Why does the increased player base specifically need to include females? There are other ways to increase the size of a community without resorting towards pandering to a specific gender.

I kinda more inclined to have all 3; mens, females, mixed. But to remove only the mens? cowards.

you don´t involve them when you seperate them and why should we forcefully try to lure them into tournament based gaming? girls don´t need to be lured, if they are into gaming the will do it, this doesn´t promote women in gaming, gaming is a competition of reflexes and how fast and efficient you can think, it only

i get that women want some protection from that toxic behaviour certain male contesters and fans are promoting, but somehow i have a feeling that this contradicts equality, what about the males that don´t want to play with/against toxic contesters? they have to put up with that just because they are males, in a sport

Exactly why do we need to promote the idea of women in gaming?

or have just added the mixed and have all 3.

I hope a woman wins each of the tournaments. What they should have done was have a womens, mans and a mixed tournament. Problem solved. Maybe they could have done the mixed after the other 2 and have the 2 winners take part in the mixed as well to see if they do as well. Or have them play against the other finalists

They really should just get rid of the female division as well.

It's also scientifically proven that men and women have mental differences. We have strengths and weaknesses in certain mental categories.

Women have smaller brains and therefore cannot compete at the grand master level against their male grand master counterparts. I am very satisfied with that last sentence, I think it will do nicely.

Now your straw-manning there. Rape is a serious issue, and while it is an important topic, your making the assumption that men would prefer to assault women because its 'easier' than trying to have consensual sex. Go take your fallacy and go fuck yourself.

Actually, I wear tee-shirts, jumpers, jeans and Vans almost everywhere (never wear makeup - unless it's for a wedding) and have been pursued. I pursued one guy in high school and, after a nasty life lesson, realized I have no interest in it.

Just remember to use the triangle. Women see men as 3 sides of a triangle. Side A = Looks, Side B = Wealth, and Side C = Personality. If you have a solid weighting on any two sides, you will have no problem going out with pretty much any woman you might be interested in. Looks+Wealth, you're in. Wealth+Personality,