
We shouldn't be assuming that just because it's a written story, every decision will make sense - that would actually make it unrealistic. People often make decisions that don't make sense, especially in moments of desperation. So it doesn't surprise me that Scully would freak out and shoot Michael.

I remembered the blood being near her head, but that makes more sense anyway. Thanks!

I remembered the blood being near her head, but that makes more sense anyway. Thanks!

But Ellen didn't quit the law because of the baby, she quit because she was horrified at what she had become, no?

But Ellen didn't quit the law because of the baby, she quit because she was horrified at what she had become, no?

I saw the episode this afternoon and have been waiting for your recap ever since. Will edit this once I've read it.

I saw the episode this afternoon and have been waiting for your recap ever since. Will edit this once I've read it.

By the way, Ellen's investigator is called Waleed Cooper - his name is mentioned on the official blog recap.

By the way, Ellen's investigator is called Waleed Cooper - his name is mentioned on the official blog recap.

Pff you just got lucky.

Pff you just got lucky.

"I hated that they had Scully use that thermal-keypad-detector thing to figure out the security code. Either Scully is a low-level criminal who got roped in by Uncle Pete and Patty, or he’s some kind of masterful Bourne-esque hitman. But it can’t be both."
Exactly what I said in my comment last week - seems like

"I hated that they had Scully use that thermal-keypad-detector thing to figure out the security code. Either Scully is a low-level criminal who got roped in by Uncle Pete and Patty, or he’s some kind of masterful Bourne-esque hitman. But it can’t be both."
Exactly what I said in my comment last week - seems like

I'm sure that most things still point to Patty having been the one who arranged Ellen's death, which still saddens me as I'm always and forever on Patty's side.

I'm sure that most things still point to Patty having been the one who arranged Ellen's death, which still saddens me as I'm always and forever on Patty's side.

Someone over at bitchstolemyremote's blog has a very interesting theory that Ellen and Patrick might be working in cahoots in order to get to Patty, meaning Ellen could be faking her death - maybe for Patty to see and then turn herself in or whatever? I dunno.
That would definitely be an amazing twist to the scene in

Someone over at bitchstolemyremote's blog has a very interesting theory that Ellen and Patrick might be working in cahoots in order to get to Patty, meaning Ellen could be faking her death - maybe for Patty to see and then turn herself in or whatever? I dunno.
That would definitely be an amazing twist to the scene in

I'm pretty sure they're gonna push her over the edge instead……

I'm pretty sure they're gonna push her over the edge instead……

I hope not, this season has way too much on this plate already. It almost looks like they forgot they only have 10 episodes and wrote for the 13 episode format instead. There are way too many threads to close.