
I noticed that too! For a band that was supposed to be legendary they sure sounded amateurish, the guy could barely sing.

You mean Andy's?

I bet you feel silly now.

Honestly I like them both as characters at this point in the show (they had to grow on me over several seasons), but their pairing never once made too much sense to me. Andy doesn't get April's offbeat humor and April seems like she wouldn't stand someone as sunny about everything as Andy is. Dating Andy, as

Not to mention that liking the idea of being paid for her work hardly makes Allison anything close to a Ron type. The girl was Leslie all over again.

Yeah the will thing rubbed me the wrong way too in that they don't seem to have thought or cared much about the math of it at all.

"The less said the better about that weird Shark Tank episode where Jerry invents cold fusion or whatever the fuck that was and nobody will listen."

And the thing about the wife too is that I thought the episode when Ben spends his anniversary with Larry, when they cook the paella with the saffron, was meant as it finally dawning on Ben how Larry got such a hot wife – he's clearly great company, smart, caring and skilled at many things.

The idea that Dr. Richard Nygard might have never existed is something I hadn't thought about, and when Leslie said it, it made a lot of sense in light of the weirdness that was Chris' depressed phase.

The banana thing had me in tears because it was a perfect fakeout. Can't believe I fell for it after 6 seasons of Park and Rec.

The Tom restaurant thing annoyed me deeply. When was he EVER passionate enough about restaurants that a restaurant became the sensible answer to the investor's line about passion defining business success?

That's the thing. I think the wife-and-baby thing was only introduced to give Ron some groundedness, to the extent that they had both Ann and Ben verbalize that to his face regarding his health, his will and so on.

Because divorce, right?

"Maybe the reason the writers have made Pawnee-ans so much less likable is so that we won't be too depressed when Leslie leaves it behind?"

Eh I beg to differ. I do think it's positive that they at least gave Ron something to actually do as opposed to just spout quotable lines as in recent episodes, but the idea of him completely leaving his job for 2 months just to do the menial labor of an entire crew for free, when he could either do it for money or do

It's just not funny. It was funny for maybe a few seconds, in his first appearance, when you didn't know what was coming. Without the element of surprise, that character has literally nothing to offer.

Such a good point. I don't understand the recurrence of Jamm and Craig when this is a show that should know damn well the super-broad characters (like Perd Hapley, the radio host, or even Joan) only really work in tiny, far-in-between doses.

Yea, very strange and childish behavior for Ron. I think some of his ridiculousness was justified early on (like the pyramid of greatness or whatever it was called) because the show as a whole was also a lot more ridiculous, but it's strange how as all the characters get more and more grounded he seems to be going the

Yes. This. My problem with Ron at this point in the show is that he's showing a disturbing likelihood of soon or eventually turning into a schizophrenic that does nothing all day but shout anti-government slurs in a tinfoil hat. Very strange, considering how much they got out of the character in the past.

The Ron story was uncomfortable to me because it gave this weird vibe that as he gets older he's going to turn more and more into a crazy, deranged, paranoid homeless old guy living in a van and spouting conspiracy theories about the government. I know it was only written to drive home the growth he's now supposed to