
I hope not, this season has way too much on this plate already. It almost looks like they forgot they only have 10 episodes and wrote for the 13 episode format instead. There are way too many threads to close.

"Patrick meeting with her in that final moment of the episode is pretty much confirmation".

"Patrick meeting with her in that final moment of the episode is pretty much confirmation".

I want Patty to screw with Ellen too……

I want Patty to screw with Ellen too……



OOOOR maybe Patty just wanted to fly alone and had to find some reason for Ellen to stay.

OOOOR maybe Patty just wanted to fly alone and had to find some reason for Ellen to stay.

Last week you guys saw me cheer like a schoolgirl on summer break when I saw the preview of Patty denying the attack on Ellen, and I'm happy to say the scene did not disappoint. She said exactly what I thought she would, which was that at gunpoint she had had to confess whatever was needed to satisfy Ellen back then -

Last week you guys saw me cheer like a schoolgirl on summer break when I saw the preview of Patty denying the attack on Ellen, and I'm happy to say the scene did not disappoint. She said exactly what I thought she would, which was that at gunpoint she had had to confess whatever was needed to satisfy Ellen back then -

No, we see Uncle Pete telling someone on the phone "it's done" - and as we know, Uncle Pete was creepy on his own right and might have been working with someone else. I don't remember that we see Patty on the other end of the line.

No, we see Uncle Pete telling someone on the phone "it's done" - and as we know, Uncle Pete was creepy on his own right and might have been working with someone else. I don't remember that we see Patty on the other end of the line.

People will admit to all kinds of crazy shit at gunpoint, you know. As I said in my own mini-recap here, it would be an amazing twist if the one thing we'd been certain of for the last 4 seasons turned out to not be true.

People will admit to all kinds of crazy shit at gunpoint, you know. As I said in my own mini-recap here, it would be an amazing twist if the one thing we'd been certain of for the last 4 seasons turned out to not be true.

The cigarettes not lining up would be an interesting clue to show that the flashback is fake. Good catch Paul!

The cigarettes not lining up would be an interesting clue to show that the flashback is fake. Good catch Paul!

Ok, I keep having to correct people on this: Ellen is the one who grabbed the knife, to defend herself. Patrick was probably just going to smother her with the pillow or whatever. In fact what saved her life is the fact that she heard him and had time to reach for the knife in the kitchen, as shown numerous times.

Ok, I keep having to correct people on this: Ellen is the one who grabbed the knife, to defend herself. Patrick was probably just going to smother her with the pillow or whatever. In fact what saved her life is the fact that she heard him and had time to reach for the knife in the kitchen, as shown numerous times.

"What Tom and Patty share, other than a law firm, is an inability to correctly prioritize after being stabbed".