
I’m always amazed by the mental gymnastics performed by ignorant and racist people to justify their shitty world views. You sir, deserve a gold medal.

Your miserable excuses have been covered by a number of articles:

This flag has always been one of deliberate hate.

Please explain to me how a flag that represents a failed state which existed for only 4 years can possibly be interpreted as representing “Just the love of the south”.

Road trip to South Carolina to fucking shimmy up that flag pole to shit on that fucking flag and then fucking burn it and then fucking throw it in that dumb fucking Governor’s face.

Jesus, each of these stories should have ended with a scalding bowl of soup to the dick for the men involved.

The story about the cancer-free anniversary “date” is one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever read. That’s some Ralph Wiggum/Lisa Simpson shit right there.

Is this supposed to be some sort of adoring gaze? My dog looks at me like this when I put him in the bathtub.

And now I’m craving them again. Thanks a lot jerk.

I had a transvaginal ultrasound when I had an abortion. I wasn’t happy about it, but knew it was a requirement. The women at my local planned parenthood were very sensitive & never forced me to look at the images. It’s horrific & sad to me that men are making these rules which make a hard situation even harder.

I know like, five of these words.

Go to hell, you human potato.

It looks like this diner got his... *puts on sunglasses* Just desserts...

First she only pushes him off, and then it’s exactly one whack per approach, increasing in whack-force as he becomes more threatening.

And the walk. The walk away is perfect.

In Soviet Russia, server hit on you.

Good for her.

Violence is seldom the answer.

I don’t care how rich you are. Unless you’re the Duggars, no one needs a house that big. No one. Sean Penn has two kids. Kanye West has one kid. What the hell do they need all those rooms for? This is the sort of extravagance that turns into violent retribution if things get bad.