Wheel Of Fish

Why the hell did it take Amazon so damn long to do this?

“I don’t want to have a kid because I don’t want to sentence the kid to a difficult life of misery” is a perfectly legitimate reason *not* to have a kid.

I mean, maybe he’s got a condition.

That’s a penis.

They were testing browser compatibility. Zach Snyder is best viewed in Edge.

I read that as a CEO of an EV company being excited about the government supporting clean energy and EVs. I did not see any indication from that statement that he was “sure” or “confident” that his company would get the USPS contact; in fact Schrader didn’t even bring up the USPS contract, the host did.

Keep on milking it The Root. Nobody will notice how you ridiculed her before.

I’m kinda amused about the underlying suggestion in most of these recent pro-Tessica articles that turrible meanies are to blame for this woman’s error going viral.

Eh, I’d rather not go viral at all - positive or negative, it’s all 100% toxic.

The first sentence of that statement was so full of buzzy jargon BS my brain melted and died a little....

Everyone’s saying the animation is “a good first try,” but would we say that about any other studio? I feel like there’s a lot of Ghibli bias making people way more forgiving than they should be. First attempt at CGI or not, this does not look good.

Oof - those faces are terrifying. Do not like. Hayao probably disappointed by his son yet again with this one, poor little dude.

I think we can safely assume there will be zero consequences for any of this.

Vanilla ISIS...

But seriously, the counter narrative of antifa pretending to be Trump supporters is already going around. These people are all the worst.

Honestly, it’s shitty articles like this that make me very tempted to just remove Gizmodo from my feeds. Utter shit.

The prequels also had plenty of saber fights that were so highly choreographed that they looked choreographed. And outright cheesy bits like Palps just snarling and stabbing.

Honestly, Warner probably made the right decision here. Whether or not theaters would have continued to be viable in a non-COVID world, the fact is, right here and right now, they are not. No movie is going to play to packed houses, simply because theaters can’t pack houses safely. Fuck, they’re not even open in many

I will never understand the amount of hatred the animation in Rebels gets. If you could get used to how things looked in Clone Wars, you should be able to get used to (or at least get over) how things looked in Rebels.

It’s weird that they could give Ahsoka so many costume changes, but the makers of Star Wars: Resistance couldn’t even manage to let Torra Doza change out of her flight suit when she was lounging around in her bedroom.