The only one I can really agree with is the lap vent. I do miss that, although my new car has ventilated seats as a consolation prize and even though they're not actively cooled I've found them quite nice.
The only one I can really agree with is the lap vent. I do miss that, although my new car has ventilated seats as a consolation prize and even though they're not actively cooled I've found them quite nice.
I can’t say good try on the art style, I get that it’s their first go at it but some wrong decisions seem to have been made. Hopefully they learn from this and improve drastically for whatever their second CG film will be because this does not look good.
Friends do let friends buy inkjet printers.
Friends do let friends buy inkjet printers.
Will there at least by synced saves between the Xbox and the new PC version? Because that’d be superdope.
So I’ve read. I’ve actually given up over the past week and just taken to ignoring him. Oh well.
Sounds like my pietro. I literally hit him with my net as often as I can, shove him around, and complain about him to Isabelle often. Alas, he remains.
One of the studio’s unwritten maxims is that if you don’t hear anything, you’re doing well.
Yep, I stopped for a while, tried to get back in but found it so grindy (unsurprisingly) that I stopped pushing for stuff. Now that I can’t ever get it I’ve not had any desired to return since I can’t even try to finish those quests.
No idea. Might get pulled in to Overwatch with some friends, might start something else with some other friends (we just wrapped up the Sniper Elite Zombie Army Trilogy a week ago), will probably play some more Forts (finding random online multiplayer matches in that has been my relaxation/time killer lately).
The Sam Smith one was so bad, I think this came out around the same time and I’d rather just pretend this was the song. Never even seen Spy though.
It would be a mixed bag for my online friends if this happened to one of them. I have the address for some, and vice versa, but not all. That being said for the most part there’s a close group of us so if I don’t have it someone else in the group probably does and we could track it down. Response time wouldn’t be…
so goooood
Agree, in a sense this may be a lot like the Ridgeline. Realistically all the truck an awful lot of people could actually need.
Aesthetically? No... but as others have pointed out it does at least have a normal truck bed.
But Fillion and Wahlberg are the same age, and I’d much rather see Fillion over Wahlberg in this for this role. Granted a younger Fillion would have been great as Drake. Oh well.
They could really have made this a lot easier for people by not calling it Overwatch 2. It’s a free upgrade to Overwatch 1 with an optional PvE addon for an unknown additional cost.
Stop rushing out cookie cutter crap! I did finally pick up Division 2 during the sale recently for something like 70% off and have enjoyed what I’ve played so far, but it’s so far nothing too different from the first game.
That’s it, I’m throwing out my new Ryzen processor. I only bought it for the free games!
I fuck around with a blender for half an hour and make a mess.