Wheel Of Fish

I don’t like how they changed weapon drops and stats (probably armor too?), nor the masterworking/upgrade process. I found it made the game way more grindy/less satisfying and made me completely uninterested in trying to perfect sets, apply the shaders I want, etc.

I disliked what Forsaken did to many mechanics of D2 but I liked the story additions and the new locations.  I haven’t been back to the game in about 6 months now though even though I’d like to get back in to it.

Yep, the amount of data and bandwidth they’d need to make available to capture and record at higher quality makes this a lot tougher than just buying better cameras.  

I wish I could star an article.

At least whoever runs their Twitter account gets to have fun with it.

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one.

Glad to see this writeup.  Like others, I had been looking forward to this breakdown of just what went wrong.  Sad to see BioWare and Anthem fumble but always nice to get deeper insight in how it happened.

That’s based off the previous been gt. This is based off the current gen I think. 


I’m so confused by the comments right now

I would love that as I’ve not had a Nintendo console since the 64 and my Switch needs some Metroidy action.

Yeah, if it’s not actually chilled below room temperature I’m wondering how much it can do. That said if it can effectively remove the heat your body is putting out then keeping the bed closer to room temperature might just be perfect.  In an empty bed you would expect it to read pretty close to ambient.

Yeah, if it’s not actually chilled below room temperature I’m wondering how much it can do. That said if it can

I hope they just keep going with this.  I want to see how far they can push it.

Famously windshields help protect us from flying debris and crud of all types, but shit still flies through them from time to time and impales an occupant.

I’ll take the floor.

God forbid you drive over something and it decides to go up, where does it wind up? Road debris going through you or getting stuck in you doesn’t sound great.

Maybe the $1500 was his combined bill for her tires and whatever he needed? *hoping*

I hear you on F2P games. I’m similarly torn.  On games I’ve paid up front for I don’t support any of this, but that’s another topic.

Yeah, well... duh. This is why I hate these in game transactions. They’re not even micro!

The 787 is supposedly more comfortable to fly, running a higher humidity and I think pressure in the cabin than aluminum bodied planes.  Don’t know, haven’t flown one.  That’s what Boing likes to brag about at least.

that gif adequately sums up GTA Online

that gif adequately sums up GTA Online